Bi-weekly Wanstead group session - Baby Bank!

Will give you that little spring in your step;)

Date and time
18:30 - 20:30
Monday, 3rd of June 2024


Please note that this group run has been cancelled.

*Meeting Place: * We will meet at Wanstead Community House. There will be place to store bags and a bike in a safe(r) place but don't leave valuables.

What to bring: Please bring suitable weather clothing

** Task ** 6 weeks have been, time to return to the Babybank!

As usual, you're encouraged to walk, run or cycle to the session!

If you like to walk, please be early for a 6.30 start to the walk, runners will leave later and catch up.

If you prefer to meet at the task instead, please do let me know and we'll sort something out.



Peter Van Tongeren
Peter Van Tongeren
Saturday June 1st, 2024 17:17

Apologies for the short notice change, but unfortunately I will not be able to lead the run this Monday 3/6 to the babybank

I have instead set it up as a community mission for people to meet on site instead.
Perhaps a social walk/jog afterwards to the pub?

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New to GoodGym?

This is a GoodGym group run, where we run to help a local community organisation and then run back.

New GoodGymers are welcome to GoodGym group runs - no one gets left behind. You're unlikely to be alone, hundreds of new people sign up every week.

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Date and time
18:30 - 20:30
Monday, 3rd of June 2024



You will be able to join a group walking to the task if you'd prefer not to run.

Ideal for beginners

Wanstead House Community Association
21 The Green
E11 2NT

There's space to change and leave bags and toilets. We're not planning to do anything purposefully dangerous, but GoodGym takes no responsibility for your safety during group runs, you participate at your own risk. Participants accept full responsibility for items stored at Wanstead House Community Association, and Wanstead House Community Association and GoodGym will not be held liable for any losses or damages.

Peter Van Tongeren
Led by Peter Van Tongeren

Runner, cyclist, rugby player, Redbridge Taskforce and Run Leader - who knows what else will follow :-)

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