Woodworking & community gardening @ Thorlands

Will allow the community garden to flourish and for local residents to enjoy the natural space and food that is grow there

Date and time
12:00 - 13:30
Saturday, 9th of March 2024
Who this task will support
Thorlands Garden
Thorlands Gardens is a food growing club based on an east Lambeth housing estate, in Camberwell. There was a shared vision to move forward with a zero miles food project on unused and unloved brownfield spaces. There was an understanding that residents of all ages could volunteer simply for the value that experience gives to individual wellbeing. There is also the added bonus of sharing the fruits of the labour, which in this case is healthy produce, such as vegetables, salads, herbs, and edible flowers.

Please note that this community mission has been cancelled.

It's our Saturday session at Thorlands!

Thor Lands Community Gardens in Camberwell offers a range of tasks for us to get involved with! There is an on-going project to convert this half an acre site into a thriving garden for the residents and locals to love. We meet at the "Walled Garden", which for newbies can be located exactly here using "what3words" - share.wished.rips.

There is a variety of tasks from composting to weeding, sawing wood to cutting back brambles and raking leaves to planting trees - each week is different.

Health and Safety first: Please be advised that the task owner, Simon, cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons and would like us to be considerate, keep social distancing from him and to stay home if you develop a constant sneeze or cough.

How are you getting there?

Meet at the task
I will make my own way to the task
  • Unknown runner


Sam Lefevre
Sam Lefevre
Friday March 8th, 2024 10:58

Hello all,

Simon just called me and he believes he has caught a norovirus. Since he is in the high-risk category, he will be self-isolating and therefore, cannot be there tomorrow. This means, unfortunately, that this session is cancelled. I know you were probably looking forward to finishing the netted frames, but this will have to be done on Saturday 16th. Hope you can make it for next Saturday.

If you are still looking for an alternative task, please check out the listing page. However, I spotted that Yianny in Lambeth has a session in Brockwell Park from 11:00-12:00 to count bumble bees, that sounds cute - check it out here: https://www.goodgym.org/v3/sessions/bumbles-on-blooms

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Date and time
12:00 - 13:30
Saturday, 9th of March 2024
Who this task will support
Thorlands Garden
Thorlands Gardens is a food growing club based on an east Lambeth housing estate, in Camberwell. There was a shared vision to move forward with a zero miles food project on unused and unloved brownfield spaces. There was an understanding that residents of all ages could volunteer simply for the value that experience gives to individual wellbeing. There is also the added bonus of sharing the fruits of the labour, which in this case is healthy produce, such as vegetables, salads, herbs, and edible flowers.

As you will make your own way to the task, feel free to walk or run as you wish.

Ideal for beginners

Thor Lands Gardens
Elsinore House, Denmark Road

Sam Lefevre
Led by Sam Lefevre

Southwark Area Activator (Sept 2021 - Sept 2024) Ultra runner (when I'm crazy), otherwise I stick to anything under a marathon... 🏃🏻

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