Bexley Mencap

30 GoodGymers have supported Bexley Mencap with 8 tasks.

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BexleyCommunity mission
Tim DicksonRemoved UserLukeLiamMartin Dennis

One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, Four

Monday 8th August 2022

Written by Nick Marsden

The soil was dry and dusty after so much sun so we had to dig hard and deep with rakes and spades to harvest our crop of cara potatoes. Helped by two GG regulars, members of Bexley Mencapโ€™s gardening group, swopped their blue t-shirts for red, as we set to work on our allotment plot at Alyers Road.

Luckily, it was a cool evening and we laid down woodchipping in front of the sheds as well as cutting back the weeds and tidying up the borders and pathways for our own plot and those of our neighbours. There was time to pick and eat some cherry tomatoes and spot our first green peppers, too! The runner beans are riding high as well. Weโ€™re also growing peas, winter squash, yellow tomatoes, garlic and onions, raspberries and dwarf and French beans. It all needs watering and weeding so it was a busy but enjoyable time trying to fit everything in.

Great effort by everyone.

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BexleyCommunity mission
Gemma Louise LaybourneMartin DennisLauraSusan LeeGraham LeePeter Collins

A-lot-meant we got the job done

Monday 16th August 2021

Written by Bexley runner

Our group task this week was to help our friends from Bexley Mencap at their allotment.

Working alongside Matt, Liam and Duncan we weeded, cut back thistles and watered. There was time to admire the veg and fruit growing in the plot ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฅ’๐Ÿง…๐ŸŒถ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿฅ” and we even met the resident frog ๐Ÿธ.

Bexley Mencap's allotment belongs to Bexley Learning Enterprise Council and we also helped with communal tasks - clearing pathways, shared areas, borders and verges - for the benefit of all the supported learning plot-holders.

As the sun set the mosquitoes came out so we speedily packed away the tools and posed for a quick team photo.

Just before we headed home Liam thanked us with some Lindor chocolate treats ๐Ÿฌ.

It was fun evening and a big thank you to Bexley Mencap for having us.

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BexleyGroup run
MauroPeter CollinsSharine MehmetJack GreenSarah Lee

All white now ๐Ÿ–Œ

Monday 9th March 2020

Written by Sarah Lee

Bexley news

  • Well done Nick for reaching 50 good deeds and getting your black tshirt!
  • Did you hear that our GoodGym quiz team won the quiz night on Saturday at the youth centre! Go GoodGym!

Tonight we met at Crook Log ready for our task at Bexley Mencap. We were heading back to the Mencap offices to give the activity room a second coat of paint after we had already given the first coat a few weeks back.

It was great to have not 1, but 2! New members join us tonight. Welcome to Mauro and Jack we hope you enjoyed your first run and task with us!

We had a quick warm up as we wanted to leave as soon as possible as there was lots to get done on the task.

The walking group set off first as to get to the task first and open the door for us as Nick has the keys ๏”‘

The running group set off on a slightly longer route to try and arrive at the task at the same time. Well done to Liam for joining the running group tonight for the first time!

Upon arrival, it was all hands on deck! We had paint pouring, paint rolling, paint brushing, paint wiping. It wasn't long before the second coat of white paint was nearly done.

We helped Nick tidy up and headed off back to Crook Log.

Well done tonight! We got lots done and helped Nick out a lots!

Next week we are at the Care Home.

Until then...

Happy running!

Sarah ๏ƒ

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BexleyGroup run
LisaAndy ChubbSarah LeeSusan Lee

Paints and ladders

Monday 24th February 2020

Written by Sarah Lee

Bexley News...

  • Did you know that there has NEVER been a parkrun on the 29th February. This leap year, the 29th falls on Saturday. No-one has ever run a parkrun on this date and the next time this will be possible will be in at least 28 years time! Join us at Bexley parkrun to celebrate the occasion!
  • Let us know if you are coming to the Quiz Night at Danson Youth Centre. It is a little different to the conventional pub quiz. BYO snacks and drinks!
  • Next Monday we will be celebrating GoodGym Bexleys 3rd Birthday After our group run we will be heading to The New Cross Turnpike.

Tonight 12 runners and walkers met at Crook Log, ready for our task at Bexley Mencap offices.

We welcomed our new members Andy and Liam. Great to have you guys along, we hope you enjoyed your first GG session with us!

We had a quick warmup, deciding not to use the cones as they kept blowing away last week. We then had a quick run straight to the Mencap offices as there was lots to do!

The walking group went ahead and went the shortest way to get there first as they had the keys.

We paced ourselves well as both groups arrived at the same time.

Nick had already prepped the space, so we could get straight to work.

We poured paint into trays, picked up paint brushes and rollers and got to work.

We had plenty of hands to get the job done and in no time we had covered the walls with its first coat of paint.

We helped Nick tidy up and admired our work. Next time we might be able to give a second coat.

Great work tonight guys.

Until next time...

Happy running

Sarah ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

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BexleyGroup run
Peter CollinsJessica TownsendSarah Lee

Men-cup-of tea

Monday 7th October 2019

Written by Sarah Lee

Bexley News

  • There is a quiz night on Saturday at the Danson Youth Centre at 7pm. Find out more here
  • There are still volunteer roles available for the GoodGym Bexley parkrun takeover on the 19th October. You can find out more and sign up here

Tonight we dodged the rain and met up at Crook Log as usual ready for our run.

Due to a last minute cancellation from our task, we were now headed to the Bexley Mencap Offices for a clean and tidy.

We had a team of walkers and team of runners.

The walking group headed off first and took a direct route in order to arrive at the offices first to put the kettle on and let us in!

Meanwhile, the running group took a longer loop to arrive just after the walkers.

Upon arrival there was plenty to do. We were wiping, dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, chatting and laughing. After a short while, we all got together for our group picture before making our way back to base.

Great work tonight team!

Until then,

Happy Running!

Sarah ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

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BexleyGroup run
Sharine MehmetPeter CollinsLee PateySarah LeePatrick S CampbellSusan Lee

Rake, nettle and run ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

Monday 1st July 2019

Written by Sarah Lee

On a warm Monday evening, 13 Goodgymers ran and walked to help out at Bexley Mencap offices.

The runners ran a 4km loop round to the task location, while the walkers took a more direct route in order to arrive first, open up shop and prepare refreshment drinks for our arrival - thanks Nick! The task at hand was to tidy and prepare the outside area next to the Mencap offices ahead of the Young Peoples BBQ happening in the week. The area had been taken over by grass and weeds as well as the occasional crisp packet and sweet wrapper. We had a variety of different tools to tackle the weeds with as we talked about the warm weekend, what parkruns we had run and who we had watched at Glastonbury on the TV (some of us had managed to spot fellow Bexley Goodgymer Sean in the crowd)

After a short while, the area was tidied and weeds cleared away so it was time for group photos and a run back to base camp.

Just before we end this run report, everyone at Goodgym Bexley would like to wish our GG leader, Tim the biggest GET WELL SOON! We all missed you tonight and we send our love and best wishes and hope that you feel better soon!

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