Broadstonehall primary school

10 GoodGymers have supported Broadstonehall primary school with 2 tasks.

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StockportGroup run
Matthew McDonnellDeb CoxPeteAnne GLisa Hamilton

Paint the whole school with a Rainbooowwwwwwwww

Tuesday 2nd April 2019

Written by Lisa Hamilton

Once again we were back at school, this time 8 of us set to paint the rainbow and cheer up a part of the world.

Setting off from Grandcentral LifeLiesure, we had our usual warm up session then started a rather long run 4km to BroadstoneHall Primary school. We were at the school a few weeks ago to paint the undercoat this time we were adding some colour. We were greeted by the head teacher Simon Langley, who had been busy before we got there and had already painted the tops of the gazebo's a rather fetching pink, good job sir!

Simon had been really organised and got all the paints and tools need for the job ready, we just needed to get the job done, and get the job done we did. And it looked lovely, really colourful, magic in the early evening light.

This weeks run we were joined by Megan from BBC5 to see what we were all about, so we all had to put on our posh voices for the mini interviews. She did a great job of painting and took the run in her stride, Thanks Megan for coming along, really looking forward to listening to the radio piece when its aired. It was great to see Simone and Hannah back with us, this time Simone managed to paint more of the gazebo and less of herself, which was a bonus! Anne however was a differnt story and was also a very fetching pink colour!

Thank you to all the Stockport Goodgym crew, the school gazebo looked awesome, full of colour and vibrant, a lovely area for the kids to sit and had lunch or play, cant wait to see the reaction of the children after ninja night painters that have been, we are like the tooth fairy, just more colourful. As ever we got lots done in a short amount of time, and it really did look great. This week there we had to run back and so had not time for school sports day fun, however a new "thing" we are going to do it a exercise at every set of lights we have to wait at...........great idea from Ivo (founder of Goodgym) its one we will now being everyweek, hahahaha.

Dont forget that next week im not here, you will have the lovely Liverpool Goodgym run leader Char, look after her, and have fun!

Happy running folks,

Lisa x x x

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StockportGroup run
Martin CarolanDeb CoxSuzanne SutherlandLeanneLynne WalshAnne GLisa Hamilton

On a total roll

Tuesday 5th March 2019

Written by Lisa Hamilton

Well what a pancake night we had!

7 runners joined us for tonights, not so flat as a pancake route, the famous up a hill and down a hill and back up another kind of run.

We started at our usual location of Grand central Lifeleisure gym in the heart of Stockport. Tonight was a mixed bag, we had some newbies( Simone), some that had been once before (Sarah) A new location dude all the way from Brighton (Martin) and a visitor from York (Leanne) as well as a few Goodgym Stockport regulars (Anne, Debs and myself) Our run tonight was 3.7km each way, so we ran gentle to warm up and kept the pace the nice and steady.

Once we arrived at the school we were greeted by the head teacher Simon (Mr Langely!) where he promptly gave out paint, paintbrushes and rollers to us all. No hesitation and perfectly organised, there was everything we needed to hand, everyone grabbed a roller, dabbed a bit a paint and got stuck right in with the primer. Last time we had a painting task we all ended up a bit smurf like with blue hands, this time we were far neater......well most of us anyway (Simone????) not much paint was dropped, and that little bit that was was cleaned up in a instant, so well done us. The first coat is now complete, the second coat is due to be painted on the 19th, the students of the school have had a competion to design the frames so we will be painting the design. We helped a great deal in this task as just one person was going to do all the painting in the next school holidays, which is fab as it would have taken a lot longer than 45 minutes.

Once the task had been completed it was time to have some good old school fun, and so we had a mini sports day themed relay race with egg and spoons and bean bags, well done to Anne and Leanne for winning, funnily enough, to go with our 'paint roller theme' each winner won a chocolate mini roll......So it was a rolls all over.

After the fun, games and painting it was time to hit the hills and run back. As a treat Anne brought us pancakes, so really were all winners! Cheers Anne, Im just about to get tucked in to mine with a well deserved cup of tea.

Thanks guys for all your hard work tonight, it was great to meet you all, hopefully ill see you all again soon.

If anyone has any task ideas or things that we can put our super powers too then drop me a email at and we can try to organise it, also keep trying to spread the word.

Have a great wk end running,

Lisa x

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