Citizens Advice Bureau

7 GoodGymers have supported Citizens Advice Bureau with 1 task.

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OxfordGroup run
Leo-Jay BlackSarahsarahAlisonAliceBen Foster

Help! I need some GoodGym! I need Oxford GoodGym.. won't you please please Help me!

Wednesday 18th December 2019

Written by Trevor

Help! I need some GoodGym! I need Oxford GoodGym.. won't you please please Help me!

ok I'll stop ;) 7 Winter Warriors went to Help Citizen's Advice Bureau.. who's job it is normally to help others.. "We help people find a way forward, We can all face problems that seem complicated or intimidating. At Citizens Advice we believe no one should have to face these problems without good quality, independent advice." <3 <3

Leo and Angus harnessed their DIY skills and took down shelves; sarah and isabella got their fine brushwork to use painting between pipes and pinboards.. While Ben and Lorenzo were roller kings covering the most ground on the walls!

Trev took photos, and tried not to trip people up while moving paint and washing the floor.. he reminded people about H&S and got worried if anyone was going to fall in the sink!!

Congrats to Lorenzo for getting to his 10 Good Deed mark!! Chrismas hats replaced the garland of joy, but I'll give you one to wear next time you run!! ;)

We wore Jingle Bells, and hats for the last run before Chrismas, cheering up passers by on the high street who started singing Jingle Bells, and a couple by The Bear pub (the oldest pub in Oxford) who started reciting the names of all the Reindeer. .. ... .. You know? .. Dasher and Dancer.. And Prancer and Vixen... Comet and Cupid And Donner and Blitzen?...

anyway.. It was a cold wet day so a slightly smaller group but perfectly formed for the small rooms we were painting in, and thank you all for coming out for our final task of 2019!

Happy Christmas

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