City of Birmingham Striders

Running Club
Running Club local to Jewellery Quarter/City Centre

12 GoodGymers have supported City of Birmingham Striders with 6 tasks.

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Upcoming sessions
Volunteer at the Midlands Road Relays

Saturday 21st September 2024 10:00am - 4:00pm

Previous sessions
BirminghamGroup run
Jonny CarterAmy

A quick Birmingham cob!

Thursday 2nd March 2023

Written by Jonny Carter

Tonight we joined COBS for their weekly run. Amanuel came to say 'hello' but unfortunately due to an injury couldn't run.

We ran the usual winter route after a warm up from Richard. On a cold night we were certainly keen for a warm up and to get running!

Though once done we were suitably warm!

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BirminghamGroup run
Richard McKennaBalal QureshiAmyLiamLaura SmithLiam

Striding Along

Thursday 26th January 2023

Written by Liam

This week we once again joined the City of Birmingham Striders for a 4 mile run around Birmingham. Great effort this week, especially dodging the crowds of Lewis Capaldi fans and NIA!

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BirminghamCommunity mission
Balal QureshiMiriam
John HayesRichard McKennaLiamAmy

Mud, toil, sweat and tears

Saturday 14th January 2023

Written by Balal Qureshi

A big well done and thank you to everyone who helped and supported COBS in hosting the cross country race on Saturday, ensuring that there was a full season of fixtures.

The conditions were extremely wet and muddy but this didn't keep runners away. We were all on marshalling duties, and everyone did a great job ensuring that people stayed on course. So the race was thankfully uneventful despite the conditions!

A special well done to Amy, Liam and Richard who also raced when not marshalling - I also tried to race but gave up after a mile because my shoe kept getting stuck in the mud and falling off - so even finishing was a great achievement!

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BirminghamGroup run
Richard McKennaBalal QureshiAmyLiamJames Morris


Thursday 12th January 2023

Written by Liam

This week we joined our friendly local running club COBS for an 8km run around Birmingham.

Great work everyone!

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