Cody Dock

Rehabilitate local docklands into beautiful public space for all to enjoy

117 GoodGymers have supported Cody Dock with 105 tasks.

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Previous sessions
NewhamGroup run
EugeneGraham JohnsonAdamChris HopkinsonKevin PrinceRebecca Joskow


Wednesday 21st August

Written by Brahma Pochee

Swansong session yesterday, with a tremendous turnout of some of my favourite people, a lovely conclusion to a job that gave me so much.

It transpired that I've run out of Random Weekly Questions, trying to refrain from a deeper enquiry about change or anything of the tear-jerking variety, hence I was blank; so we rolled a positive and somewhat sentimental question: "Favourite GoodGym organisation ?" Turns out there were loads, no clear winner, an indication of how broad our church is and how many remarkable local projects there are.

I then proceeded to say a few words, delving into what GoodGym has given me. For those who know me know that discussing and interrogating my emotions isn't what I consider a night out, I'm a huge advocate for the dated practice of bottling things up, but the occasion was worthy.

To reiterate what I may have mumbled, I'm mostly grateful for the lifelong friendships, enforced by the experiences of volunteering, running, British weather, travelling, racing and drinking. With a special nod to a lovely couple, whose relationship was forged by a series of Wednesday evening connections. Proud, for the impact we have had on the locality, the number of messages I get saying "how amazing your volunteers are". Equally, proud for the transformational change many of you have undergone through running. Loss, because I will miss you all. But I always end with this positive feeling; I think because it's now left in a very capable set of hands; arise Task Force.

Amongst this milestone, we did actually do some good yesterday, in the form of my least favourite task, flyering. The morale was high, so it was hit easily absorbed. With the return of some long-serving sisters, Mel and Ruth (and later Charlotte), it felt like 2019 again, what a treat to see you, appreciate the effort to come. With big numbers comes big effect, and we managed to get our flyering done in no time, leaving many moments to loiter and talk curb-side.

With the realisation I can't summarise nor do justice to my thoughts on my tenure, I'll wrap this up now. But not after a huge thanks to my lovely photo-book compilation.

It's not bye, but see you later.

Till next time,


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NewhamGroup run
Brahma PocheeHilaryAdamSharonEugeneRosa

Flyering Machine

Wednesday 10th July

Written by Brahma Pochee

Sunny July eve yesterday, a welcome break from relentless rain, as the team congregated at PrintHouse. The England game on our minds we were efficient in our pre-run chat, discussing a fluid RWQ, that changed its face depending on who answered. Loosely - "what's been one of your favourite jobs?" Bar work on a boat, dental work at the Para-Olympics, Librarian duties at uni, temp work in Poland, more bar work and finally having the privilege of running the best community running group in the world for 7.5 years.

We hustled down the canal discussing where some of the islands around the mass of England are, why Jersey and Guernsey share similar names, Australian survivor and England football teams style of play.

Boss lady Basia gave us a few leaflets for an activity session they're hosting for kids, we jogged off and dished them out to the locals. Highlights:

  • a lovely lady that gave us three bottles of water "for your troubles"
  • a fella that questioned why Adam was here "Australia is much better, it's shit here"
  • not getting fingers bitten clean off by a chihuahua

We all dashed back in various directions to get home and shout at the telly, and it worked! Enjoy the final on Sunday guys!

Next week we're at Hackney Adventure Playground, always good for the soul, sign up here

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NewhamCommunity mission
SharonKevin Prince

Summer Tides

Saturday 1st June

Written by Sharon

We headed to Cody Docks Summer Tidal event which had linked with Newham Heritage month and London Festival of Architecture.

The dock has seen lots of changes in the years we have been helping and has new plans moving forward.

We had been invited to let the visitors know the work we do to help the local community.

We also got to witness the rolling bridge in action an amazing piece of machinery.

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NewhamGroup run
Brahma PocheeHilaryRosieRebecca Joskow

You Beach!

Wednesday 10th April

Written by Brahma Pochee

Hils, Rebecca, a returning Rosie and myself jogged over to Cody Dock last night. We discussed the "first piece of music we bought": NOW 28, Spice Girls (Wannabe), Taylor Swift and Living La Vida Loca. It was a different time, man, the energy was real, dude. But seriously, I loved that Sony Walkman.

We nipped down the canal into a brisk wind, discussing country music politics, the new behaviours of music consumption and Rebecca's classy half marathon debut. Basia was on imperious form at location, mocking me without hesitation. She showed us to our task, which I sold as the new adrenaline sport of our time, flyering. Fortunately, it was moving a massive load of sand bags about thirty feet. Then tearing them open and spreading them out for a soundscape, part of an exhibition, darling. Some might call it an immersive experience, others might call it an experience you immerse yourself into, but make no doubt, there's immersion going on.

Was wrapped up inside an hour and then we dance back off into night, just your average mobile art installation team. Thanks for a lovely eve.

Just getting some listings sorted for the weeks ahead, looks like Get Out next week, then the Adventure Playground the week after.

Before I leave, Hils - we wish you a powerful 26.2 mile celebration of movement this weekend. Do your thing, we believe.

Till next week,


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NewhamGroup run
Brahma PocheeRebecca JoskowKevin PrinceSharonDan Benwell

GG Postal Services Ltd

Wednesday 27th March

Written by Brahma Pochee

Beaut of an evening on The River Lea, with Rebecca rolling in minutes after handing in her end of year coursework, plus The Princes back from sunning in Malta. We discussed "what you're looking forward to this spring?" Getting sozzled under the sun in mallorca, the return of light, running in a vest and adventures through europe.

We met Basia, and after a good random chat with her we headed to drop off some flyers, with Dan joining us just before we left. We touched on topics such as: geographical isolation caused evolution, restaurant fusion, paper rounds and inflation and the difference between a house cat and a ferret.

Next week we hit up Abbey Gardens, sign up here to come and celebrate the incoming light with a social post session.

Till then,


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NewhamGroup run
RosaRosiePaul CornickDan BenwellCatriona BarkerGeorgina Chalk

Chairing Out The Jobs

Wednesday 7th February

Written by Brahma Pochee

Cold air back, but with it some healthy numbers for a trot down The Lea. Cat and Georgina blessing us with a cameo after a long stretch away, great to have the duo back. Rosie returning post-lurgy plus Brad and Paul getting stuck in after a while.

We discussed "guity tv pleasures", there's an array of nonsense that we just can't turn off: Gladiators, The Bachelor, Bad Architecture, Scrap heap challenge, First Dates, Selling Sunset and this weeks winner, moo-ve over everyone else, Georgina's youtube habit of watching cows get their hooves trimmed. You can't script this stuff.

The exhibition hall at Cody Dock looked like it had been developed a bit more since our last visit, the greenhouse I think just sprouted over night. Which isn't not normal for Cody Dock. One group swept, whilst another team made some chairs... and eventually all ten of us were on seat construction. Thirty chairs made and trillions of dust particles tidied, solid work that.

For those going to Cody Dock for Friday shin dig, send pics and have a cracker. See you next week for an overdue reunion at Hackney Adventure Playground, it's only been four years. I'll set up the listing now.

Till then,


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