Friends of Forest Hill Station

22 GoodGymers have supported Friends of Forest Hill Station with 5 tasks.

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HannahJulian Osman

Run, Forest, Run...

Saturday 7th May 2022

Written by Hannah

Quetta and the Forest Hill Society gang got us down to work planting new marigolds and other flowers and plants to brighten up the area outside the station and on the platforms. So, if you enjoy the colours at Forest Hill station over the new few months, you'll know who to thank!

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BromleyGroup run
Ian MooreFionaGeorge WoolfreyHelena WilliamsEmilyPatrick S CampbellEmma Presley Abbott

We rose to the occasion

Tuesday 6th August 2019

Written by Emma Presley Abbott

A small but perfectly formed group of 6 runners met at the Bridge House for this evening's group run. We welcomed Emily on her first ever GoodGym task, and heard about how George represented Bromley at the GoodGym Olympics over the weekend, even winning the handicapped mile!

After a quick warm up of bodies on the floor (sorry everyone - you felt silly but it really made me chuckle!) we headed over to Forest Hill for our monthly task with the Friends of Forest Hill Station.

Puns n' roses

There was watering of the planters and beds to do, a spot of weeding, dead heading the roses and tackling some bindweed. We were each treated to a freshly picked apple as a thank you before we headed on our way.

I'm not going to make an apple pun... orchard I?

Time was running low on our way back, so we got a super quick fitness session in by practicing our running form with some strides on the final downhill stretch through the park. Thanks for a lovely evening everyone!

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BromleyGroup run
Stuart EatonVicRemoved UserClare GriffithsLouise ChambersEmma Presley Abbott

Fancy a chip? No way, hose-spray!

Tuesday 2nd July 2019

Written by Louise Chambers

8 fabulous runners ran 6km to help the Friends of Forest Hill Station prepare for the InBloom judges.

A big welcome to Sandy who arrived resplendent in his red top to join us for his first ever group run.

The garden was full of post-work revelers enjoying a drink in the sun but, as tempting as it was to stay and join them, we headed over to the park for a quick warm up and introduction before making our way to Forest Hill station. Thanks to Stuart for back-marking the group (and for the pun). We were joined at the station by Vic, Clare and Darryl, who were waiting with Quetta who had a list of jobs for us to do. Top of the list was watering the plants in front of the station, in the planters on the platforms and across the road from the station. The last time we visited mother nature had taken care of this, but we have been more fortunate with the weather this week so they were in need of a good soaking. Darryl took control of the hose and gave the plants a good drink, trying not to squirt Stuart who set to work on pruning some unruly plants. Amongst them we found some wild strawberries, it's amazing what you can find in the most unlikely of places.

Amongst the throng of commuters coming and going a lady stopped to tell us that seeing us had put a smile on her face, a lovely comment that put a smile on ours too.

Sandy, Mark and Clare headed off to clear the weeds from the garden on the platform, which is thriving and smells fabulous, thanks to the herb garden. They had soon tidied the space and set to work watering the planters on the platform. Tim added to his mileage by making several journeys over the bridge, watering can in hand, much to the bemusement of the commuters.

When the chips are down

Vic soon regretted volunteering to clear some chips that had been thrown onto a cobbled area. Who knew chips could be so difficult to sweep and could smell so bad?! She wished she'd packed a clothes-peg amongst everything else she'd stashed down the front of her top. GoodGymer's are a hardy bunch though, good work Vic!

It's amazing how much work 8 people can do in half an hour, and we had soon watered, weeded and tidied everywhere. Time for us to down tools and to head back to the park, waving goodbye to Vic, Clare and Darryl.

For my first fitness session as run leader, I had chosen a mysterious-sounding Indian relay. Stuart, Sandy, Mark and Tim soon set off at a gentle pace around a 1km loop, in a line about 5m in-front of each other. Once they had got their rhythm, the person at the back sprinted to the front and, once back in step, yelled or signalled for the next person to repeat. There was some impressive sprinting to be seen, great work guys!

It was soon time for a stretch and a chat before heading off to watch the second half of the England world cup semi-final.

Next week we are heading up to the Upper Norwood Library Hub to clear their outside space. Excitingly, this will be our second Pengiversary, and Adele has promised cake (she does great cake). Further details are on the run-page, have a look and sign-up here. Did I mention there'll be cake?!

We have been invited to take part in Alexandra Rec's 'Physicality in the Park' on 28th July, where we will be tidying a few flower beds and spreading the word about GoodGym. It has been listed as a community mission, have a look and sign-up here.

Thanks for making my first outing as run leader go so smoothly, I hope I passed muster.

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BromleyGroup run
Mary FosterLouise ChambersJane Rogers HannahEmma Presley AbbottAdele Prince

We totally snailed that task!

Tuesday 18th June 2019

Written by Adele Prince

Dodging the rain storms, 15 fabulous runners covered 5km, helped to weed and tidy at Forest Hill Station and enjoyed a special yoga class.

It was lovely to welcome Mark for his first ever GoodGym group run, he chose a great week to join us (surely he wasn't put off by the rain last Tuesday?!).

As we gathered in the garden (with one eye on a very grey sky), we talked weather, watering and wristbands. This week, GoodGym have partnered with the Jo Cox Foundation and are participating in the 'Great Get Together'. We all donned our red wristbands and celebrated everything we have in common. Here at GoodGym Bromley, we get together every week, to share our stories and experiences, with some of our runners visiting older people for a chat, or to help out in their home.

We also celebrated our newly-qualified Run Leader, Louise, who attended a course at Somerset House last week, so she can lead runs independently - go Louise! Putting her training straight to the test, she led the way over to Crystal Palace Park (home last week to the Dino Dash Relay, which was brilliant fun - well done all those who took part!). We had some fun warming up, with a few favourites, knee-tag, heads - shoulders - knees - and cone (knees and cone) and good old stuck-in-the-mud.

Rush hour

Up at Forest Hill Station, we met Ian and Emma, who had just been to a mission, helping an older person in their home - double good deeds! Vic also joined us and was already poised, gardening gloves at the ready! As it had been chucking it down, Quetta told us we would be better spending our time on some weeding and tidying, so we had groups working on the beds and planters at the front of the station, and others on the platform, clearing weeds in the little garden.

It's amazing how many weeds can be generated after a downpour, so there was plenty to do and also plenty of snails - good work Hannah on trying to take care of them, it's a shame Tim had other ideas horrified face . It's a busy place to work, with commuter trains coming and going, but we managed to find space and the beds were soon looking much, much better. We just had time to pause for a group photo in front of the sign and an approaching train, before heading over to Sydenham, for a rather unusual fitness session.

Namasteing power!

For the past few months we have helped GMax Trackstars get their 'Dragonfly Yoga' studio up and running. When we first visited, back in the winter, it was a (very) dusty shell, where we lifted and shifted flooring, ceiling panels, insulation rolls, bricks and eventually painted the walls. As a thank you for our hard work, Mark suggested we come along for a yoga session. It did mean an unusual structure to the evening and a slightly later finish, but we were really up for the opportunity to try out the space and to learn some new ways of looking after our bodies.

We were met by Lindsey, who took us down to the studio, a really peaceful space, considering it's on a busy road! We all found a mat and took a comfortable position to begin. This was a particularly special and useful session, because Lindsey had tailored it for runners, helping us to work on areas that become tight and that we often overlook - there were a few groans, so I think we all came away knowing exactly what we need to work on! Thank you and namaste!

Next week we will run over to Anerley to help in the meadow at St John the Evangelist. I noticed they are collecting women's sanitary products to be taken to the local food bank, you might like to bring some items along to add to the box. Kim will be leading this run, so make her feel at home and have fun!

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