Kingston Edible Forest

Run for 10,000 trees in Kingston

11 GoodGymers have supported Kingston Edible Forest with 4 tasks.

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Previous sessions
Kingston upon ThamesCommunity mission
Rachel White
Liz HudsonTim AllardDave White

What a tree-mendous effort!

Sunday 2nd April 2023

Written by Rachel White

Five hardy GoodGymers cycled and walked to Kingston Edible Forest to help Brian with a few jobs. After a guided tour, we grabbed forks and spades to cut round five trees that have been allocated as street trees. Cutting through the roots now will make it so much easier to dig out and move the trees when they are ready to be transported in the next year or so. All of these trees have been offered to the residents of Kingston as street trees which is a generous offer.

After completing the first task, we refueled with a delicious hot cross bun - thanks Brian!

Then we hacked back brambles to help another set of saplings have more room and light. This should help them mature and grow stronger.

Brian then insisted we take some rhubarb, mint, chard and leeks that smell of garlic. We left laded with delicious gifts talking of recipes for crumble and soup.

Welcome to Tim on his first mission. Lovely to meet you and thank you for your help today.

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Kingston upon ThamesCommunity mission
Jane YellolyDave WhiteRachelJassy DrakulicPetra Stockelmayerova

TLC for the tree nursery

Tuesday 11th May 2021

Written by Jassy Drakulic

Petra and Dave arrived got stuck in with weeding and tidying to give some TLC to a plot of tree saplings which will be given away to schools and scout groups, adding to the 100 already handed out by the KEF. Jane and Jassy arrived later following a very re-award-ing run with Martel and lended a hand sawing and lashing poles together to make supports for fruit tree netting. Brian gave us some rhubarb and oregano and mint plants, and Jassy took a look at the mushrooms which brought the mission to a close. As always, we look forward to going back next time!

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Kingston upon ThamesCommunity mission
Jane YellolyDi DanseyRob HaworthKate Haworth

aMaze! A blackcurrant maze!

Sunday 11th April 2021

Written by Jane Yelloly

A gorgeous bright but very chilly morning for our return to a favourite hidden corner of Tolworth at the Edible Forest. And great to have Di rejoin GoodGym Kingston.

We were welcomed back by Brian and Ben of the Edible Forest with a mini tour to see the fruits of our labour last year - some successful grafting but still waiting for our tree seeds to show!

We got to work helping plough and plant up a blackcurrant maze. The small saplings we planted should take 12-24 mths to start growing into a hedge like maze and produce fruit.

They say patience is a virtue but even by summer they should grow by about a foot so we look forward to seeing them sprout.

Thanks to Brian and Ben and well done everyone - Rob, Kate, Di and Jane

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