Redmayne View

Housing with Care Scheme, Norsecare
team of staff caring for 42 frail older people living in scheme consisting of 40 Flats to promote independent living where possible.

24 GoodGymers have supported Redmayne View with 2 tasks.

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Previous sessions
NorwichGroup run
KatyBradEmilySam Ismail-EppsElizabeth HSteven Hitcham

Redmayne Reminiscing Done - we don't recall a better task on a Group Run

Monday 27th May 2019

Written by Steven Hitcham

In nearly 2 years I think this was only about the 3rd Group Run that it rained during the run. It was also bank holiday and an 11km run... doesn't bode well does it? But then how often do you get the chance to visit Redmayne View care home to have a reminiscence evening with the residents? Exactly and this is why we still had 20 GoodGymers + baby Jasper (aka Gym) rearing to go.

Bill, Katy and Catherine shared the back runner duties.

When we arrived we looked pretty moist from all the rain but this didn't faze us. The residents were already around the tables ready for us to join them and talk about their lives.

There were many stories to tell. I found out one of the ladies grew up in the same little village as my Mum and she knew my grandparents. Dave learned that swinging isn't just a modern thing (I won't go into any more detail than that!). Emma and Michaela were chatting to a lady who was one of 10 children "they didn't have the protection then like you do today" she quoted!

Sam was very kind in letting some of the residents have a cuddle with Gym, this really did make their day.

There was also a game of tiddly-winks taking place on one of the tables.

Redmayne View kindly put on plenty of nibbles and refreshments for us... I sure didn't hold back on the sarnies! It was great to see they received a Gold Award for the best housing-with-care schemes - an award we nominated them for.

We gathered for a group photo at the end before heading on the 5.5km run back. It was a very quick average speed throughout the evening, I think I got used to my pace from the Holt 10km the day before.

Being that is was also my birthday yesterday I'd brought some home made cakes in before we then went for some more sweet goodies at Sundae Gelatos... yummy.

Next week we're visiting The Clare School.

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NorwichCommunity mission
Jasmine StoneRosieSam Ismail-EppsElizabeth HMichelle Eves

Just keep Roll Roll Roll Roll... Hit it!

Wednesday 1st August 2018

Written by Michelle Eves

Heading back to a little gem in the middle of a new estate in Old Catton. Where we all set to work painting/rollering the second coat to a room which makes a difference to the lovelies who live there. We all did a fabulous job, getting the last dribbles of paint out of the tins and on to the walls. Team Effort! She gave us ladders to get to the very top of the walls, but as some of the lovelies who we were doing it for pointed out, we had two giants with us tonight, aka Darren and Callum. We cleaned up our painting utensils, before heading down to have some treats. Some of the lovely people who live there were getting a bit jealous of our treats, even though we were told they had already eaten some. However, we shared them as there was so much to go around. We all headed home in our little separate groups, going in different directions. Until we all meet again... Hopefully see ya Sunday!!

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