Salavation Army

17 GoodGymers have supported Salavation Army with 2 tasks.

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Previous sessions
BournemouthGroup run
Ross BoonNeil ArmsteadLee PintoCaprice McWilliamsDaryl Venner

Running for Salvation

Wednesday 21st February 2018

Written by Bournemouth runner

Tonight saw us going back to the Boscombe Salvation Army, a place we hadn't been to since September 2016! Which was also my very first GoodGym task as a runner.

Back then the distance was quite a bit less as our meeting spot was down by Boscombe Pier. This evening saw us run a gentle 9km there and back along the beach front to the sounds of the waves. We're not positive but we think this may have been the longest distance the Bournemouth group have run on our group task evening!


It was also great to have Andrew back after being busy with work for the last 5 weeks or so...we hope we see you again next week! Don't let work get in the way of us!!

We arrived right on time and Ruth task manager was ready to put us to work. We love a well organised task! On the agenda was a bit of a spring clean that involved a sweep of the front porch area which Daryl made short work of he then had time to help with the windows and then follow that up with sweeping the back yard too! Ross, Abi and Andrea took on the windows in the entrance lobby, inside and out. The kitchen was cleaned to a shine by Lee and Andrew and the pool room upstairs which Caprice and Neil took care of.

Ross, Andrea and Abi then moved to the back yard and wiped down tables and cleaned the area of any rubbish.....the place was left spotless and very welcoming!

We've been invited back by Ruth to help clear the area around the church next time!

We finished so quickly that on our way back we used the steps opposite Boscombe Pier to do some leg work and push ups before setting off back to Flirt Cafe.

A super efficient task with a really nice gentle run along a beautiful part of Bournemouth.

A perfect group run!!



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BirminghamGroup run
SajniMaria FernandezGarryChan S NandhrayChan S NandhrayChloe Tucknott

Off to see 'Jim'!

Tuesday 2nd May 2017

Written by Jonny Carter

8 people ran 4.5km to clean the gym at the Salvation Army

Tonight, we had a good group of GoodGym regulars, who were out to do good once again. Extra kudos must be given to Chan, Graeme and Garry who ran the Birmingham 10k on Sunday, there legs must have been aching somewhat! Chan never mentioned this once 😉

Off to the gym?!

So, after last week’s rather bizarre weather, tonight we were greeted by a milder evening as we left 1000 Trades. I led the way as we ran just over a mile down to the Salvation Army. To our surprise on arrival we had the Salvation Army ‘social media person’ wanting to speak to us, so after a quick picture, I had a little video interview of what GoodGym Brum does, all good as we aim to spread the word of the uber fantastic GoodGym concept! Once the media ‘doings’ were done, it was on with cleaning the gym, everyone mucking in getting it clean in 15 minutes.

Lamppost sprints

Once our good deed was done we were on our way, but across the road were some nicely spaced lampposts which meant the group could do some short, sharp sprinting. Graeme led the way sticking two fingers up to his ‘cream crackered’ legs, Sajni as always pushed hard on the sprints and Maria went as fast as she could.

Trusty St Paul

Once we got the sprints done we made our way to our ‘bootcamp venue’ St Paul’s square. There the group performed tricep dips, Garry and Sajni smashing them out like no tomorrow, these were followed by heart racing high knees, Kate and Morwenna working hard getting that heart pumping! Next the group went straight into mountain climbers followed by the explosive tuck jumps, Chan was the next person to tell his aching legs (where they aching Chan? You didn’t seem to mention it 😉) were to go by really going for it with the tuck jumps! We then finished the fitness sess with everyone performing a one minute yoga plank, the whole group showing they had a core of steel!

Once done and everyone exhausted it was time for a gentle run back to base, for a bit of a stretch off. Next week we will be out doing good again, it would be great if you could join us sign up here.

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