St Michael East Wickham Church

14 GoodGymers have supported St Michael East Wickham Church with 23 tasks.

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Previous sessions
BexleyCommunity mission
Tim DicksonAnn Jackson

Pruning, Cutting Back and a Cuppa Tea ☕️

Monday 12th August

Written by Tim Dickson

The team arrived on a warm evening to one of our favourite place St. Michaels Church. Tonights mission involved pruning back bushes and trees, cutting back rose bushes (ouch) and laying mulch to nearly found world war one graves. All this hard work was finished off with a well deserved cuppa and chocolate biscuit. This evening we also welcomed Anne on her first Goodgym session, we hope you loved it and we'll see you on the next one.

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BexleyCommunity mission
Tim Dickson

(P)Laying our Respects 🙏

Monday 10th June

Written by Tim Dickson

What a brilliant evening at St.Michaels. Our mission was to make and lay a path to a WW1 soldiers grave.

The grave was rescued from years of bush and bramble growth. Once chopped back we revealed this beautiful grave stone so the team got together to make a path route so many more people to see and pay their respects.

Its always great when a mission shows all the hard work done, this mission was definitely one of those. Hope to see you guys at the next mission.

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BexleyCommunity mission
Tim DicksonRemoved User

Cow Parsley Needs Re Mooooooving 🙌🏻

Monday 13th May

Written by Tim Dickson

With the lovely warm weather accompanied with the horrible wet weather Cow Parsley in growing like wild fire. Our team mission last night was to cut it back so we could get access the the churches gardens and graves.

Cow parsley is a hollow-stemmed, tall plant that grows rapidly in the summer before dying back. It likes shady habitats in particular, and can be found decorating woodland edges, roadside verges and hedgerows with masses of frothy, white flowers. These flower umbels (umbrella-like clusters) appear from May until June.

Cow Parsley is a member of the carrot family and can indeed be used for consumption but be very careful you don't mistake it for Hemlock which is very poisonous. Interesting fact:-

Hemlock was the plant that was given to the famous Greek philosopher, Socrates, at his execution

Thanks guys for all the hard work put in yesterday, as always you were amazing. See you at the next mission 🙌🏻

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BexleyCommunity mission
Tim DicksonRemoved User

“Alley” Luja

Monday 15th April

Written by Tim Dickson

Last night we we're back outside and back working on the Churches paths and gardens. The paths weeds, nettles and brambles had revisited during the cold winter months and had now overstayed there welcome, it was now tine to reclaim our turf.

All our hard work was rewarded with a lovely cup of tea and chocolate biscuits in the church after, whats not to love.

Massive hi 5 to Caz and Martin for the hard work put in, you are both awesome

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BexleyCommunity mission
Tim Dickson

Jobs a Good’un 🙌🏻

Monday 4th March

Written by Tim Dickson

Another lovely evening at St. Michaels Church. This evening we had some hard work and some relaxing work. Our first job was to move a stack of chairs from the church to the community hall (well done Caz), our second mission was to re-organize the church cupboard, Martin done a fab job tidying this up 🙌🏻, me, i relaxed and got my sewing bee practice in by repairing and attaching new hanging rings to the churches kneeling cushion.

Amongst all the hard work we had the awesome company of the churches ladies and gents who were also working extremely hard dusting and sweeping this beautiful church. Thanks as always for the lovely company, conversation and the refreshing cuppas. See you all next week 😄

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BexleyCommunity mission
Tim DicksonRemoved UserRuth DhunnookchandSandra

Happy Birthday Cheer with an Athletic Brewing Co Alcohol Free Beer……..

Monday 5th February

Written by Tim Dickson

Tonight Goodgym Bexley celebrated their 7th Birthday with a mission to St. Michaels Church. We had a few jobs to do, one included taking down the Christmas tree. It certainly came down quicker than it went up 🙌🏻 It was then on to dusting, sweeping and polishing which not only made the church look great but smell great to.

Last night we also welcomed Ruth a new Goodgymer who ran to and from the mission, well done and welcome to the gang Ruth.

To celebrate our Birthday month our thirsts were refreshed with an Athletic Brewing Co brew which really went down a treat. Thank you so much for the cans Athletic Brew Co, Bexley Goodgym absolutely loved them.

Massive hi 5 to Caz, Sandra, Martin and all the team from the church for making us feel extremely welcome every month and for suppling the biscuits, you guys rock !! See you all next month 🙌🏻

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