Train Wood

Marriott's Way litter pick

54 GoodGymers have supported Train Wood with 5 tasks.

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Previous sessions
NorwichGroup run
Robert OrganDavid TuthillEmilyBradElizabeth HSteven Hitcham

You need a place cleaned? Wheelbarrow some litter pickers off you and get the job done

Monday 5th August 2019

Written by Steven Hitcham

Tonight's task saw us go to Marriott's Way to do a litter pick and there were 32 of us in the process!

Angela, Gemma & Angelika were taking part in their 1st GoodGym encounters so a big welcome to you all :-)

Rich was taking part in his 25th good deed!

Elizabeth & Andy shared back runner duties.

It was a short 1km each-way run tonight and everyone decided to run so no-one walked this week.

Adrian met us at the start of Train Wood and gave us the litter pickers, bin bags and gloves. He then told us the areas that needed covering and we assembled in groups and hit the litter (not literally).

Due to the weather this summer a lot of areas have over grown so were unreachable but this didn't stop the team getting plenty of rubbish including a chair and a wheelbarrow! Credit to Darren for the pun - unless you say it in a Norfolk accent it might not make sense!

The group were delighted to avoid running up Grapes Hill on the way back, once my calf injury is better we'll make up for lost time ;-)

I'm now away for 2 weeks so Katy will be at the helm - please support her on the next 2 group runs, which starts next week when you visit Catton Park to do path repairs.

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NorwichGroup run
Ella GoodwinRobert OrganEmilyBradCatherine DSteven Hitcham

If you come in the woods tonight, you know you'll get a surprise

Monday 6th May 2019

Written by Steven Hitcham

It's bank holiday, it's rained most of the day, Norwich City had their promotion parade in the city - you think everyone would go home and put their feet up for the evening... but no, not the 23 amazing volunteers who wanted to do a litter pick on Marriott's Way to make the city cleaner.

It was Becky and Laurie's 1st GoodGym experience so a big welcome to them both.

Hayley has now completed 50 good deeds so a black t-shirt should be on its way to you soon.

It was great to see Darren and Jen back after their virgin marathons at London and Bungay.

Being a shorter distance task tonight, there was a walk option so Robert kindly volunteered to be Walk Leader with Catherine/Katy back runners for the running pack.

We arrived on Marriott's Way to see their lovely new entrance gate, styled like a railway station like it used to be years ago. Adrian from Friends of Train Wood met us there with litter pickers, gloves and bin bags.

The team assembled into pairs and off they went round different parts to collect as much litter as they could. It was a difficult task as lots of the nettles and greenery have suddenly shot up over the last 2 weeks, making it more difficult to spot the lurking litter.

One group did find a little party area full of interesting things, one which influenced the pun but I shall not go into anymore details on that!

45 minutes later the team reassembled at the starting point and gathered all of the bags of rubbish ready for the council to collect.

We still had around 20 minutes so we ran up Grapes Hill on the way back before finishing in Chapelfield Gardens for the time trial, which we hadn't done for a while. Just as I was about to get the group lined up, Katy kindly reminded me last time we did it she said she would time it next time so I could run it... much to my original disgust haha, it was quite nice to actually be able to have a go at it myself.

At the end of the session, Bill & Katy handed out some of their home grown rhubarb before Bill found an old photo of him that looks like a spitting image of Elliott, so we all know what Elliott will look like when he's 70!

Next week we're visiting Eaton Park.

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NorwichCommunity mission
Robert OrganRosieSandra EmersonSteven Hitcham
LIAMElizabeth H

Mission Litter Pick Accomplished

Thursday 20th September 2018

Written by Steven Hitcham

8 GoodGymers + Sandra's husband joined forces to do a litter pick on Marriott's Way for Friends of Train Wood.

Plenty of rubbish collected and just back in time before it got dark and the winds picked up.

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NorwichGroup run
Bronwyn Da Silva PintoJasmine StoneLIAM
Bethan HarveyRobert Organ

Marriotts of Fire

Monday 7th May 2018

Written by Steven Hitcham

It was the warmest day of the year so far and bank holiday Monday... most people were in a beer garden or having a BBQ but not us lot, we were out to do good in the community.

The compete other end of the spectrum to last Monday where it was 20 degrees cooler and chucking it down with rain. One thing that didn't change however is the hard work and dedication the GoodGym-ers put in to the tasks in hand.

I enjoyed being able to meet up outside of The Forum for a change rather keeping in the indoors!

Congratulations to Jasmine for completing her 1st Parkrun at the weekend and to Sam for completing a Half Marathon! It's fantastic to see everyone progressing.

Tonight we had a short 1km run each way to Marriott's Way to do a litter pick. Bill was back runner. As per our previous visits there, there was going to be plenty of litter to collect.

We didn't have a sharp's box this week so needles to say we were going to leave any of those alone!

The GoodGym-ers got into pairs with a litter picker and bin bag and off they went on a litter scavenger hunt. Some located an area that was previously occupied by the homeless so there was more than plenty of mess to clear up there.

It was interesting walking around chatting to everyone... some discovered my most hated words... never use 'Brunch' or 'Bespoke' in my presence haha.

We brought back all the litter to the starting point... then tried to create a vehicle out of an ironing board and bicycle wheels!

Then off we went to run up Grapes Hill before finishing with a 4-minute HIIT outside The Forum.

Bill and Katy handed out their home grown rhubarb :-)

Next week we're visiting Eaton Park.

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NorwichGroup run
Rob RileyDan HarrisSimon EnglishJasmine Stone
Elizabeth H

Not a lot-ter litter but a nice pint of bitter

Monday 23rd October 2017

Written by Steven Hitcham

It's been 4 months since Goodgym launched in Norwich and this evening was the 1st time we've returned to a task we've done previously. That's a lot of different organisations we've helped over those months.

We welcomed new runner Justin tonight who was on his 1st GoodGym experience.

I have to mention Michelle's light up shoes and Catherine's light up waist belt... I need to become trendier and get some of these cool accessories. Oh and Bill's new headtorch was pretty flash!

It was a nice short run, about half a mile each way.

Alan met us again at the start of Marriott's Way and the team, in their headtorches, got into small groups and tackled the public walkway.

The last time we came here it was light so was a little more challenging finding litter in these conditions but there was a few bags full by the end of it... plus a few parts of a bicycle.

Everyone regrouped about 35 minutes later, quick group photo then off we went.

I think I missed a turning on the way back as we happened to stumble across Grapes Hill ;-)

After tackling that beast we finished up with a 10-minute fitness session outside The Forum.

... And then it was time for the Norwich Beer Festival. FYI, Rob is hilarious after a couple of drinks - I'm looking forward to the little GoodGym trip to Prague & Krakow in December hahaha

Next week's run is going to be a halloween fancy dress for those that wish to dress up.

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