Whipton and Beacon Heath News

Community magazine for Whipton and Beacon Heath

24 GoodGymers have supported Whipton and Beacon Heath News with 3 tasks.

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ExeterGroup run
Sophie LebecqKlara KjellgrenAnna Whitton

Chariots of Flyer!

Tuesday 10th March 2020

Written by Klara Kjellgren

12 runners ran 7 k, delivered community magazines in Beacon Heath and smashed a core session. Fantastic effort team!

A very warm welcome to Grace who joined us for the first time. You smashed the run and the task and we would love to have you along again! Lets give her a cheer!

We had lots of fun at the warm up outside the Phoenix, trying to remember different numbers linked to different movements and we were all very surprised how mild the evening was! Spring is truly on its way, yay!

Ready to run we set off towards the task location, Beacon Heath. We had a very rare flat run route this week, something that hardly ever happens in Exeter! This was also very lucky for me as my legs were totally shot after running the Grizzly last Sunday.. In fact my legs were so bad I had to become middle marker, whilst our new run leader, Pete, run in front. Thank you so much! Also a big thank you to our lovely back marker Anna who made sure no-one got left behind.

We arrived in a big happy bunch of red faces and red t-shirts to our task locations and were welcomed by Amy, the community worker for the area. She handed out the Community magazines, in which ideas and information about local events are shared, and we set off delivering, covering a big area in no time at all! I think the high light of the delivery round was the very sweet kitten following us around! Super cute! A big cheer our to our very own Strava star Vicky who carried out some extra running and hill reps during the delivery round! Great stuff!

On the return run we stopped at Princess Hay for a core session and smashed 10 different core exercises for 30 seconds each. Amazing work guys! A strong core is so important to your running, it keeps you in the right running position even when you are getting tired at the end of your runs.

Back at the Pheonix we carried out some important stretches and finished off with some refreshments and chats in the bar. A perfect ending to a perfect group run and as always I left feeling filled of hope and happiness, with a big smile on my face. I hope you all did too! It is really amazing what a fantastic feeling it is to have run and carried out a good deed together!

Next week I am away on holiday and I will miss you loads! Pete will lead the group run instead and you will go back to St Davids Church for some more painting! Yay! More details can be found here. Rumour has it there are some big birthdays next week as well so I hope you guys celebrate a bit!

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ExeterGroup run
Anna CawrseVicky HutchinsonNic WalkerSophie Lebecq
Klara Kjellgren

Whipton Up A Storm!

Tuesday 3rd March 2020

Written by Klara Kjellgren

13 runners came out this evening and helped deliver a community magazine in Whipton! They also ended up doing a surprise good deed and whipped up a storm smashing some of Exeter's longest hills.

A very warm welcome to Robin who joined us for the first time. It was great having you along and we hope you come back soon again!

We started the evening at the Phoenix with a dynamic warm up session, involving a lot of animal actions. I thought it was time to add a bit to our usual chicken themed warm-ups! Ready to run we set off towards our task location, Whipton. It was a hilly and long run this week but everyone did amazingly well! We had two fantastic back markers, Nic and Lucy R who made sure no-one got left behind, THANK YOU! We also stopped to re-group at regular intervals and made the most of these stops by giving our legs that extra little work out (squats, lunges and press-ups) that will make you so much stronger come race season! You can all thank me then he he!

Once we arrived to Whipton we quickly divided the group into smaller groups and set off to deliver the magazines in different areas. It was amazing how much we got done! In 45 minutes we managed to cover the full area set out for us, despite loosing each other and getting slightly mixed up about roads a couple of times! I am positive that this had a lot more to do with all the laughing and chatting going on than with our map reading skills!

On the return run focused on our running technique, especially when climbing the long hills. We all imagined we had helium balloons attached to our heads, pulling us up into the right running position and ensuring we didn't lean into the hills. We also made sure we moved our arms in the right way, and that we increased the speed of which we moved or arms in order to increase our cadence and smashing the hills without getting too tired by taking too long steps.

The lovely return run unfortunately had a rather dramatic ending to it. Nearly back at the Phoenix we found a man lying on the street, close to unconsciousness. A big shout out to Anna and Nic who checked him over in a very professional way and to Rachel, Nonny and Nic who stayed with him until the ambulance came along! That was certainly a double good deed session for you guys!

Although the evening didn't end quite the way our sessions usually do it was still a great night- we ran really far up and down some of Exeter's longest hills and we got so much done at the task! Fantastic work guys! You are all amazing! A lot of you got races coming up soon so a huge good luck to all of you and I can't wait to hear all about it next time I see you!

  • Next week we will return to Whipton for a final push getting the remaining community magazines delivered. We will make sure we leave a bit earlier too so that we get time for our monthly core session, so don’t miss out! Sign up here!

  • Don't forget to check out the website for all the exciting Community Missions we have coming up! So much happening in our area over the next few months! YAY!

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ExeterGroup run
Pete Hodges
Bianca SmithLisaKlara Kjellgren

Whipping 'round Whipton

Tuesday 3rd December 2019

Written by Klara Kjellgren

12 amazing GG Winter Warriors came out in the FREEZING COLD, ran 6 k and whipped around Whipton, delivering a community magazine. Amazing work!

It really was bitterly cold outside when we gathered at the Phoenix! So cold that we decided to do our intro speech inside rather than in our usual spot outdoors. Amazingly Ashley came up with our pun already at this point! That's got to be a record in punning!

For our warm-up session we jogged around in a circle and on different commands different runners carried out different movements. For example: Everyone with a beard had to do squat jumps, everyone going away for Christmas had to do star jumps, everyone who has a pet had to do high knees and so on. I think we laughed as much as we worked out, but the result was the desired; we no longer felt cold and we were ready to run!

Town was beautifully lit up with all the Christmas lights and we got cheered on by people out and about as we ran towards our task location. We made the most of the re-groupings by carrying out a variety of lunges, squats, foot-taps and step-ups. It's always great to give your legs that extra little work out! Massive thank you to Lucy R who back-marked the whole way so that no-one got left behind. Also, a big shout out to Sarah! This was her 10th session getting fit and doing good with us! Yay!

When we arrived to the task location we were met by Amy, the community builder for Whipton and Beacon Heath. She had the boot of her car fully loaded with copies of Whipton & Beacon Heath News, a community magazines in which ideas, events and thoughts about the area are shared. We quickly split up in teams, divided the streets between us and set off to deliver. In 45 minutes we covered a massive area! GREAT WORK EVERYONE!

Once the magazines were delivered we ran back to town centre where we gathered outside the library for a very short but super intense core session! We listened to Eminem's “I love the way you lie”, and did static holds of different core exercises (mainly planks) whilst Rihanna was singing, alternated with different movements whilst Enimem was rapping. Not really my favorite type of music but possibly one of my favorite core session, working those abs so hard in such a short space of time!

Even if you didn't love the burning feeling during the core session, I promise you will love your strong abs towards the end of your long runs when you manage to keep in a good running position despite feeling tired! YES!

After a cool-down jog back to the Phoenix and stretches we chatted about all the exciting stuff happening in our area over the next few weeks (see below). To finish an amazing evening of running and doing good we gathered in the Phoenix for some well deserved drinks and chats, before heading home.

You guys are just the best, not letting the cold or dark put you off, always turning up with smiles and laughter, always giving it all you got! You're definitely some pretty awesome #GGwinterwarriors!

Dates for the diary:

  • Next week we are running to St James to help deliver a newsletter for St James Forum. It's a 3 k run with a great fitness session. Sign up here to join!

  • Sunday 8th December we are doing a training run on Dartmoor, this will be a long distance trail run with stunning views! Sign up here to come along.

  • Sunday 15th December we have the Haldon Jingle Bell run in the morning, and our Christmas party in the afternoon. Would love to see you for one of both of these exciting events!

  • Remember no group runs on Tuesday 24 or 31st Decemeber, but look out for the extra events in January!

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