"WW1 Acomb" St Stephens Churchyard Project

The project is working with the cooperation of the curator of the cemetery (Don Savage) and the Parish Priest (Rv. Pete Vivash) .
Plan to clean and repair 12 WW1 graves in St Stephens Churchyard in Acomb to mark the centenary of the end of the war on 11th November. . The Project may extend to involve a more general clean up of the cemetery.

35 GoodGymers have supported "WW1 Acomb" St Stephens Churchyard Project with 3 tasks.

Top supporters
York runner
York runner
Leanne (she/her)
Ellie Dove
Ellie Dove (She/her)
Ed Woollard
Ed Woollard (He/Him)

Previous sessions
YorkCommunity mission
LeanneEllie Dove

What a marblelous job!

Friday 31st July 2020

Written by Lizzie Kershaw

12 GG Yorkies met in the graveyard at St Stephen's church. This was our 2nd visit to tidy the footpath.

Steve joined us for his first community mission, even though he's a seasoned GG! Give him a big cheer!!!

The next bit of the path seemed even more overgrown, but with teamwork digging, pulling, lifting and carrying, it wasn't long before the stone and marble was exposed and the path completely clear.

We all made it home just as a massive thunderstorm swept across York!

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YorkCommunity mission
Vicky HearsonEd Woollard
Debs SharpeLizzie Kershaw

Father, Son and the Hoe-ly Spririt

Tuesday 21st July 2020

Written by York runner

St Stephens Church is a lovely spot where many local people come to sit for a bit of peace and quiet.

A pathway runs the entire way through the churchyard but had become so overgrown it wasn't even obvious that there were stones underneath.

10 of us went to reclaim the path, including Debs, who had come up with an ingenious way to (safely) strap her hoe to her bike.

Katie ran up excitedly, having sprinted the final part of her journey over and proclaimed Vicky's impending arrival.

I'd rather die than sprint - Vicky

With a combination of hoes, trowels and spades we started clearing the path, whilst 'bag man' Ed repeatedly gathered the cuttings into sacks and emptied them at the other end of the churchyard.

I've been Santa you know. This is nothing - Ed

After an hour we had successfully cleared a huge section of the path and it looked brilliant! We finished our good deed with an impromptu garden gathering with beer and cake (also safely transported by Debs) whilst celebrating Lizzie's birthday eve.

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YorkGroup run
Paul KellyLeanneTim MckenzieNicola Gover

A grave dilemma, these hills and steps are just tomb much

Monday 11th June 2018

Written by York runner

Thirty minutes before our group run was due to start, the heavens opened. A torrential downpour that struck fear into the heart of many a GG Yorkie. Despite that, a super 27 Yorkies turned out to help with two graveyard tasks.

We welcomed along three brand new runners to the team, so give some hearty cheers to Jesse, Fiona and Elder Chand!


I delegated the lead out run to Catherine and Lucy, it turns out Lucy can navigate anywhere if it's near a Wetherspoons. We arrived at George St, where the infamous Dick Turpin is apparently buried , and Iain greeted us with a huge pile of woodchip to top up the perimeter path.

Before that though, Ellie B had to clear up some confusion from a passer-by.

Where's GoodGym? Does it have a sauna?

With 40 minutes on the clock it was an all-action affair, with wheelbarrows of woodchip shuttling back and forth. Once the bark was all shifted, we did a bit of fast feet to bed it in properly, with new runner Jesse, doing all sorts of fancy footwork.

The path was done in no time at all so we focused our energy on edging the rest of the gravestones and having a good old tidy-up before celebrating our good deed with a fitness session at Clifford's Tower.


The challenge involved doing a set of exercises between rounds of step reps, all 55 steps of the tower.

  • Elevated lunges
  • Quick steps
  • Side Steps
  • Split squats
  • Box jumps
  • Descending squat jumps

We even finished off with a run back along the bar walls.

TEAM ACOMB (written by TIm)

There was electricity in the air as an intrepid 15 headed up the "hill" to Acomb. The sky trembled with excitement as I stepped up to the plate to assist Run Leader Leanne to lead out the long group. The hardy 15 had already braved thunder, lightning and deluge so nothing was going to stop us getting to St Stephens Church and cracking on with the task. Well, nothing except going the wrong way anyway, but luckily Katie was ready to leap to my aid and assure me that I was going the right way!

The lovely Stephen and John met us in the graveyard and quickly set us up with some awesome tasks. Firstly the legendary Norweigian tourist Are (on his last GoodGym with us!) and Huw got to work clearing the overgrown bark path around the graveyard whilst Katie and Mitch jumped in and started lopping off overhanging branches and holly.

A fearsome unit moved in and got to work trimming the grass and removing turf from around the World War 1 graves that the church are looking to restore. Meanwhile Lizzie, Ali and Elders Chand and Minnich got stuck in bagging up woodchips for donation to local gardens!

After protests (mainly from Mitch) of: "Tim do some actual work!" And "Tim you are not the boss of me!" We were all relieved to see the arrival of half a job Paul Anderson who proceeded to immediately spill a bag of carefully packed woodchips.

Before we knew it, time was up. Invigorated by our amazing task and thankful hosts we decided the hill at Acomb Green wasn't tough enough, so we headed over to the renowned "steepest hill in York" at Windmill Rise for some epic hill reps!

Tim we are going to put all the running watches on you and make you do the hill reps for everyone! - BadGym Becky

Back at base, the teams gathered back together for a stretch and we reminded everyone to sign up for next week's massive task. See you next week!

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