Tuesday 23rd April 2024
Report written by Conroy
Another highlight for us was having **Kate joining us on the task, having completed 26.2 miles on Sunday she was unable to jog to the task with us, she also brought her medal to show us, we congratulated her on her amazing achievement in completing her first marathon
We ran to Croydon Refugee Day Centre to assist them with their clothes donations, Simon was there to greet us and while we were waiting on the building to be opened he jumped at the opportunity to lead us in a fitness session. Following our fitness session we went inside the hall where there was clothes clothes for us to sort and hung. Myself Salem and Bassey were on hanger duty where we went around and collected all the empty hangers from the clothing rails, while Kate and Ingrid sorted the clothes to be hung on the rails. We were midway through sorting out the clothes, when Simon came in with treats treats for us.
Before long it was time to store away the clothing rails into the storage room and bid our farewell to Simon.
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