Wednesday 13th June 2018
Report written by Ant Withstandley
Ding, ding, Round Two, and out of Mirth, Marvel and Maud emerge the formidable Good Gym Waltham Forest Crew. Undoubtedly as a unit, they are a lean, mean, running and gardening machine. They won the first round last week against the weeds, sticks and empty miniature whisky bottles of St. Mary's Churchyard and today we were back for more.
After a headcount and a discussion about favourite cheeses (no less than three mozzarella fans), we hit the road and a short but sharp stomp up, up, up the hill to the task. After visiting the armoury (garage), everyone grabbed a weapon (strimmer, shears, forks, gloves, spades) and went hammer and tongs at the offending plant life. Evil nettles were felled, compost was excavated, paths were cleared, the bones of The Dread Pirate Roberts were uncovered ... okay, I made that bit up, but you get my drift. Much blood, sweat and tears were expended as the hardworking crew worked their magic.
While everyone played a hugely important part, I have to make a special mention to GoodGym Superwoman Deborah Redmond, who joined us on a day trip from Bristol. Also a warm welcome to Brave New Runner, Ayanna. Great to see both of you.
Back to the task and if anyone thought they were getting a gentle downhill jog back to the boozer, they needed to think again. Off we trotted to the splendid surroundings of Lloyd Park for an intensive full body workout session of burpees and squat jumps. Then a breathless run back to base. I'll end this part of the report with a big thanks to the Big Guy, Ramon - top back marking fella.
There is a bit more non-task related info for interested readers. We now have a GGWF WhatsApp Group, which you can join here We also have an Instagram page/account/thing?. Thanks to Clara and Ercole for setting those up.
Finally, join us again for next week's task where we will be plogging at the Walthamstow Marshes near the riding centre. Just think, running, making the world better and looking at horses. What could be better? Sign-up now
That's me done.
Peace, Ant ☮️
The churchyard contains numerous interesting graves and four listed tombs, and is divided into four railed and enclosed areas with public access to only two; it is bisected by paths which are in frequent public use. There are some 1300 visible monuments in and around the church, and it is thought that over 26,000 burials took place here. The first church of St Mary Walthamstow was founded in the early-12th century on the site of an older church. The current building is largely 16th-century with later alterations. The timber-framed Ancient House near the church probably stands on the site of the original Manor of Walthamstow.
See moreWaltham Forest
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