Saturday 27th July 2019
Report written by Rob Haworth
Well it at least didn't rain on our parade today. After an overdue deluge, making park run that extra bit more challenging Rob, Kate, Caroline and Samia, in spirit, met up with the Friends of Queens Promenade to help make a wheelchair accessible path and a three tiered sleeper bed for flowers, not tired walkers.
There was plenty of the Queens mud about but as usual we were ready to help no mattock the weather or task. With many deep roots holding strong, a mattock was needed to break them down and churn up the soil to make the holes needed for the bed. The shovel was then used to very roughly accurately, make the correct incline angle for the wheelchair path. This was made royally difficult due to not having a protractor handy.
Thanks to the friends of the Queen(s promenade), for having us along, look forward to visiting on an upcoming Tuesday run.
Sun 28th Jul 2019 at 11:50am
Royally brilliant run report Rob!! 🙌👑
Kingston upon Thames
Let's get this not-for-profit outdoor centre shipshape