Cut Cut Cutting on (Penhill) Haven’s Floor!

12 Goodgymers helped their local community in Swindon
Paul Bonner
Mike Oakes
Emily Mc
Jo O'Leary
Jason Higgs
Simon Sperring
Tracey C
Sam Coxon
Kirsty Hodgson
Charlie Paradise
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Tuesday 14th May 2019

Emily Mc
Emily Mc



Tracey C
Tracey C


Sam Coxon
Sam Coxon


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Report written by Tracey C

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For this week’s introductions we talked about things that we are especially proud of. Newbie Charlie is running 1000km in 400 days for Heads Together to raise awareness of mental health, something us Swindon GoodGymers are passionate about – good luck Charlie! Tracey has started to learn to swim and hasn’t drowned – result! And Simon was proud that he got through his jobs list at home, although Emma was not there to validate this wild claim!

After a short run in the sun (oh, how we love being outside in this weather!) we arrived for our fifth visit at the Haven. This green space in an urban area offers the community a place to relax and a safe place for children (and bugs and beasties!) to play. It is also a place where residents can grow fruit and vegetables and learn about wildlife.** Glynis**, our host, always has an endless list of jobs that need doing and this week included cutting the grass and installing a slide, weeding the flower and vegetable beds and putting up some bee havens.

‘Safety First’ Simon popped on his safety googles got straight to work on strimming the grass. The rest of the male contingent made a beeline for the choppers!! The keen eyed amongst us were intrigued to see they each had their own unique style of grass cutting. Mike’s was the ‘Crunch and Chop’, Jason did the ‘Tricep and Trim’ and The Scientist went for the rather flamboyant ‘Snip and Flick’.

Amongst our members we discovered our very own Uri Geller!! Lily managed to dissect a trowel into two swiftly followed by a fork bending feat – we’re not sure she was even touching them at the time!! Shortly after, we were forced to place a ban on her going within a 5 metre radius of any tools as supplies had been depleted to worrying levels and we still had lots to do!

Crazy Legs sustained a gardener’s injury from a stingy nettle. Did someone mention peeing on the affected area for a quick cure (I thought that was jellyfish stings, mmmm!?!) but nobody volunteered and so it was the more widely accepted application of a dock leaf that won out. None of this could distract her from her photographer and chivvying duties – impressive!

We found a surprising amount of entertainment in Kirsty pulling up a weed with a massive root that looked like a parsnip - we are so easily pleased! Inspired by the fruit that was growing in the beds, Jo gave the weeders a lesson on how to make flavoured gin. We know this to be her favourite tipple and she is a veritable expert on the home brew! Carly is already planning her own small batch production!

Two bee haven’s had been donated which we popped on a wall and should help with the new ‘Bee Roadz’ initiative which encourages so-called ‘wildlife corridors’ to be created in urban spaces which are rich in plants and flowers.

Sandy Sam tested out the newly installed slide which has clearly been designed with only those of oompa-loompa proportions in mind (or small children, to be fair!). You’d think an adult on a small slide would need wedging down a bit but she managed to make it to the bottom in graceful fashion, with just a discreet helping hand from Jason to get over the last hump at the end.

Just time for a quick group photo where at least half of us sustained burns to our retinas due to the setting sun – if we look like we are in pain it’s because we were! Proud of our weekly GooodGym KMs which we diligently record, we went through the usual ‘Strava Palaver’ and off we set back to the Oasis. Another task in the bag.

Next week we will be walking and running approximately 3km in total to Heelis, the National Trust HQ, and back to help with a gardening task. This is a new venue for us and we're very excited about helping out in the green space they have within the building. A National Trust Gardener will be there to support and advise us so please don't worry if you're not greenfingered! Sign up here!

This task supported
Penhill Haven
Community garden in Penhill with residents growing wildflowers for nature, and fruit and vegetables for the local community

Penhill Haven was originally set up for the residents of Penhill to grow wildflowers for nature, and fruit and vegetables for the local community, while also encouraging young people to grow, harvest, cook and preserve their own food. The wildflower meadow, the raised beds for planting and the surrounding green space all need some extra attention and support.

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Discuss this report
Emma Sperring

Thu 16th May 2019 at 12:57pm

Your reports always make me laugh! Thanks Tracey for brightening up my day ☀️! X

Simon Sperring

Thu 16th May 2019 at 1:43pm

Brilliant Tracey!!! As always, your reports cause a hearty chuckle!!!

Jo O'Leary

Thu 16th May 2019 at 1:50pm

Love it! Always happy to give brewing advice!🍸


Thu 16th May 2019 at 2:02pm

Ha!🤣 Brilliant report Tracy as usual 👍🏾

Swindon runner

Thu 16th May 2019 at 2:11pm

I could never produce a report of this high standard. Brilliant as always Tracey

Helen Saville

Fri 17th May 2019 at 5:14pm

Sorry I missed it. Love the Haven! See you all soon 😁

Join us on our next session