Don't be Impatiens - Himaslay'n Balsam

23 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bristol
Sarah Hunt
Paul Becker
David Head
Richard Breakspear
Alice Whale
Rosanne Brake
Paul Redmond
Fiona Lewis
Liam Scott
Jennifer Dickinson
Zdeni Cervena
Russ Cahill
Alex Websdale
Melanie Young
Hannah Silman
Tom Hill
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Saturday 9th June 2018

Paul Becker
Paul Becker


Alice Whale
Alice Whale


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Report written by Paul Becker (he/him)

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It was looking like a rather compact and bijou group at Mud Dock this morning as four or five of us grabbed a pre-run coffee but somehow we managed to leave Queen Square with 17 runners. Add to that the six others who joined us at the task and it was a very respectably sized mob of red T shirts that finally descended on Nightingale Valley.

This was good news, as the Friends of Brislington Brook were hoping for lots of pairs of hands to join them in tackling the Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera - a relative of the Bizzy Lizzy) growing up the side of the valley. Our host Mary gave us a quick run down how to identify this invasive species - light green leaves, celery-like stalk and virtually no root. This last aspect meant that it was very straightforward to pull up, making for a satisfying and productive half hour eradicating the invasive intruder from its adopted home. Patrick even took on a bonus assignment; wielding loppers to remove some sycamore.

All in all this was a very pleasant way to spend a morning with Goodgym'ers scattered all along the bank above the brook and sheltering from the worst of the heat under the canopy of the trees that line the path.

And finally a brisk run back to base meant hopefully everyone got fit and did good today - well done all!

This task supported
Bristol Parks - Friends of Brislington Brook (FoBB)
Community volunteers working in Nightingale Valley and St Anne's Woods through which Brislington Brook flows
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Friday Farm Frolics
🗓Today 8:00am

Our local community farm is tidier for the enjoyment of all

Jade CahillJason ThorneCharles PickeringCaroline
4 GoodGymers are going - 4 spaces left! 👀