19 Goodgymers helped their local community in Swindon
Helen Saville
Mike Oakes
Emma Sperring
Ben Ellwood
Ashleigh Netherton
Daniel Coles
Fran Machin
Kay Scarrott
Tracy Kingsley
Samantha Biggs
Alethia Reid
Wyn Jones
Kelly Cummings
Jon Dunn
Mallory Deaton
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Tuesday 18th September 2018

Emma Sperring
Emma Sperring






Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Emma Sperring

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At long last; our first GoodGym run 'beating the street' had finally arrived! Some funny looking grey boxes on lamposts have been placed all around town waiting for people to tap them? Strange, I know; it took me a while to work it all out? The idea is that you pick up a fob (if you are school child) or a card (if you are anyone else!) and walk, jog, run, skip, scoot, cycle from one box to another tapping them with your fob or card as you go? The more boxes you tap, the more points you get, and more points mean prizes!!! It's in Swindon for 6 weeks meaning that we have 6 exciting GoodGym runs tapping boxes to and from tasks! Yay!!!

What makes it more fun, is that people can join a team with Beat the Street. GoodGym Swindon has formed its very own team, which we would of course encourage any GoodGym runner to join?! Team Captain Dan Coles will be there to support you all the way; by issuing cards, maps of East and West Swindon (there are no North and South Swindon maps by the way?!), and to ensure that you are tapping your card correctly on the box. No flashing lights mean no points! You have been warned. Come and join us to find out more about this addictive child-like game that everyone across Swindon seems to be playing right now?

6pm arrived and there were loads of you gathered inside the Oasis, keen to get going last night. What a fanatstic turn out! 18 runners and myself. Was it because of Beat the Street (and my promise of 8 boxes to and from the task), or maybe because we were going to STEAM and perhaps many of you are secret train enthusiasts?! Or maybe, just maybe you all love GoodGym no matter what we're doing? Answers on a postcard please?!

We welcomed four fabulous new runners last night: Ben, Kelly, Mallory and Steve (who many of us know as the chap who (quietly) sets up the cones and tape and a whole lot more at parkrun every Saturday!). Thank you for joining us! It is always good to see some new faces every week; feel free to tell your friends and family about GoodGym, and don't forget - we have a website, we're on Facebook and Twitter and thanks to Paul the Scientist we now have a WhatsApp chat group for anyone who likes to chat about GoodGym?! Want to join the WhatsApp group, just drop me an email or just ask me to add you when I next see you?

Before setting off, we formed a circle outside the Oasis - to get to know one another a bit more. With the Emmy Awards the night before, our lovely GG runners had to tell each other what their favourite TV programme was? The responses were quite varied, unusual and funny, but also worrying. Is there really a TV programme called the Killing? Sounds lighthearted doesn't it?! An American Drama Series apparently? Anyway, it's always good to talk and we're good at talking at GoodGym; and not only do we talk before the run, but also during the run, at the task, and afterwards in Coffee Corner. GoodGym is just a big social really?

Anyway, with me as Run Leader and Stuart kindly offering to be Back Marker, we got going at around 6:15pm and managed to tap 3 Beat the Street boxes on our way to STEAM. How exciting! Those of us with cards gaining 20 points each?! The best bit about tapping these boxes is that we all have to wait for one another, which gave the majority of you time to chill, and some of you an opportunity to look energetic and jog on the spot (briefly!). Running through town is always interesting with some encouraging comments from passers-by and strange looks from people who have probably never seen us before. They will soon get to know us; out and about with our red t-shirts, smiling and waving as we jog along!

Through the tunnel (running is allowed, cycling is not!), under the train line, and there we were - at STEAM, Museum of the Great Western Railway. what a privilege it was to be there, in such an iconic part of town with so much history behind it? Thank you Ian Surtees for welcoming us into STEAM, through the museum and onto the train platform. It was great to hear about the railway works; how many people used to work there, and what they used to build? Three locomotives in a week? That's hard graft, but we've got grafters at GG Swindon haven't we? Wyn and Lily always working, never stopping even when told to! And yes - this was exactly the case when we got let out onto the traverser (the 'thing' outside STEAM that helps maneuver the locomotives from one set of rails to another). We were given bin bags, brooms, dustpans and brushes and got going de-weeding, de-littering, filling so many bin bags we had to ask for more?! Thank you Tracy for pointing out ten minutes before 'tidy-up time' that we had missed a fairly large section of the traverser behind the platform. In good team spirit everyone just cracked on and got the job done splendidly. Well done one and all!

It was time to go and tap some more boxes. With a cheery wave goodbye to Ian surrounded by bin bags, we found our next box in no time at all; surrounded by school children tapping their fobs. But we had four more to find (in the failing light), so we soon set off around Even Swindon locating them all as quickly as possible? However, I set a challenge along the way. We got to Redcliffe Street and everyone had to sprint and locate the box at the end of the street! Now, Redcliffe Street is a very long street which therefore meant a lot of sprinting, so well done to Jon (who is apparently not competitive at all) for sprinting there and back in no time at all! How did you do that and smile at the same time?! It's a mystery!

On our way back to the Oasis, tapping boxes as we went, I had a nice conversation with Mike, who has kindly offered to take up the position of 'pun leader', which requires thought and imagination on a weekly basis. Thank you Mike for doing this; Dan for being Beat the Street Team Captain and Stuart for his back marking skills. I'm really starting to feel that a Task Force is starting to form? Wonderful!

We arrived back at the Oasis, tapped our final box, did some stretching, had a chat about our adventures that evening and how far we had run? A little further than 5km in our quest to earn more points! Everyone was keen to hear where we were going the following week? The Haven in Penhill to finish painting those purple picnic tables, and to scarify the meadow under the watchful eye of the lovely Glynis. I do hope you can join us next Tuesday for another fun-filled evening of GoodGym activity?! Worried about not having painting and gardening skills; don't worry - Glynis is an expert at both! You can't go wrong!

This task supported
Museum of the Great Western Railway

Steam, Museum of the Great Western Railway) is housed in a beautifully restored grade II listed building in the heart of the former Swindon Railway Works.

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