Monday 31st July 2023
Report written by Anji Andrews (she/her)
Shock, horror, another wet day in Newcastle! Rain can’t stop play and thankfully we were heading off to an indoor task this evening anyway. Up through Walker and into Byker the running group went led by Paul who was leading for the first time in a few months. I walked then we met Louise at the task.
We have been helping Recyke Y Bike since the very early days of GGNCL and every time is different, but tonight will be one of the memorable ones. We’d been drafted (pun intended, obvs) to help to organise donations of games and books that will be used in the Bike, Book Swap that’s taking place over the summer in and around Byker. This will give local families access to a brilliant toy, book and game exchange that comes to their doorstep for free. Louise did a double good deed tonight as she came to the session AND brought a big donation of games- many of which Elliot and Maddy wistfully looked at and wanted to play!
When the sorting was done, we completed a variety of other jobs that are small tasks that make a big difference including sweeping the workshop floors, moving bikes and helping to fold the big gazebo cover! The task owner Vanessa was really grateful that we’d done so many things to help. We are back at the end of August with a bike cleaning task which will be loads of fun.
Please please get involved this Wednesday with our leaflet drop for FoodCycle. Numbers are low and Lucy could really do with some extra hands on this one! NB: This will now start at the earlier time of 5pm.
We are back next Monday for a session with a twist- meet us for a walk and a drink for the summer social.
Help tidy up after the recent storms