Monday 5th June 2023
Report written by Simon Fitzmaurice
On Monday evening, Area Activator Simon, Luke and Dharmesh caught up for a top run across the borough, making our way to The Rose Bowl youth club in Canonbury. All of us had been involved with Hackney Half this year- as a pacer, as a runner and as a water station volunteer! Also, special shout out to Dharmesh for completing the Edinburgh Marathon last weekend- certainly recovered quickly and efficiently.
Upon our arrival, we were joined by Benedict, and then we met with Dawn, the lovely coordinator at the youth club, who put us straight to our first task. Between the four of us, we retrieved a large sack of fresh soil, and carefully filled up a planter (after Benedict prepared a lining in advance) right up to the brim. We were then able to proceed with transferring some lovely new bulbs and sprouting into the fresh bed.
Dharmesh and Benedict created an awesome poly-tunnel using leftover stakes, plastic sheeting and string (super impressive), while Luke and Simon broke down excess packaging and boxes for the busy food bank project.
After a super successful job done, our crew took a slight diversion back to St Paul's Way, to assist with another Goodgym project. We spotted a free outdoor exercise gym located just by the Rose Bowl, and proceeded to demonstrate the usability of the available equipment. This can then be logged as part of the "Move Map", an interactive guide for free gym equipment across the UK, set up by "Move the Masses".
Check it out here!
Achilles International VI Running Group Session- Emirates Stadium
Thursday 8th June, 6pm, Arsenal tube station
Our weekly group run with Achilles International returns to the Emirates Stadium this Thursday. Come and try guide running or assisting our visually impaired athlete friends in a welcoming and accessible environment.
Crouch End Open Space (CREOS)- Forest Path Building
Sunday 18th June, 11am - 1pm, CREOS meadow
We will be returning to one of our oldest and most popular community tasks as part of the Islington group. The Friends of Crouch End Open Space (aka CREOS) will be meeting up at to continue to build more forest paths between Highgate and Muswell Hill. A wonderful way to spend a Sunday morning!
Guide Runners Needed for Metro Blind Sport Athletics 2023 (50 year Anniversary!)
Saturday 24th June, 10am - 3pm, Mile End Stadium
Experienced and new guides needed for this annual visually impaired athletics event. An incredible sports day for athletes of all abilities!
Penn Road Gardens Open Volunteer Morning
Sunday 25th June, 10am - midday, Penn Road Gardens
Every last Sunday of the month, the residents of Penn Road invite keen volunteers to help with maintaining this lovely community spot just off Holloway Road.
Local volunteers will be on hand to direct anyone who arrives to offer their help between 10am- midday. Come on down to enjoy a lovely morning community task!
An invitation to help this lovely community garden space prepare for the winter months