History, Hidden Secrets and Happy Cows!

11 Goodgymers helped their local community in Swindon
Helen Saville
Mike Oakes
Emma Sperring
Jo O'Leary
Richard Curtis
Jason Higgs
Andrew Pitts
Tracey C
Sam Coxon
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Tuesday 29th January 2019

Emma Sperring
Emma Sperring



Tracey C
Tracey C



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Report written by Tracey C

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With rumours of snowmageddon hitting Swindon to coincide with this week’s task it wasn’t looking promising on the numbers but we couldn’t let Toothill Farmhouse down so 11 runners met at the Oasis and after the usual strapping ourselves into our lights (will we ever get used to putting them on?) we headed out into the cold. A quick share of childhood hobbies with a definite 'active' theme, a round of applause for Emma the Trainer who has hit the 20th task milestone, and we were off - led this week by Emma. Tracey had found a high-viz vest while checking her car boot for snowmageddon supplies, and so the job of back-marker was hers.

After avoiding snow on the 4km run out, with the only obstacles being the odd pond sized puddle, we were soon in the warm glow of the farmhouse. Mavis, who is used to hosting us by now, immediately ushered us into the kitchen for refreshments. But we know the drill and we were keen to get going so tea had to wait. It really was like a well-oiled machine tonight – Mavis had everything prepped to perfection (covering the roller trays with plastic bags to save washing – genius!), each job on her list found a suitably enthusiastic owner, and tea and biscuits were delivered to order by a Farmhouse Volunteer and consumed on the job for maximum efficiency.

Mike and Sam had the tricky job of painting the bannisters on the stairs and Sam adopted a very graceful reclined position to get to the hard-to-reach bits. Richard and Andrew were busy at one end of the hall making the door and door frames shiny new and trying to work out how many layers of paint the house had seen in its long history – we guessed about 1,379? Graham and Helen were busy at the other end of the hall getting alot done with the teeniest of paint pots and then not wanting to be left out joined in the bannister action. We all know that girls like to go to the bathroom in twos, so Sharon and Jo did just that and started a fascinating conversation about the science behind happy cows – actual happy cows! - whilst a radiator got restored to white. Jase the Ace and Tracey teamed up on the really difficult job of painting two very smooth doors (!) but a certain amount of synchronised leaping was required in the absence of a stepladder. Jason also gave a fine demonstration on how to eat a shortbread with no hands - impressive!

As usual there was lots of chatter and laughter and getting to know each other better. Another round of biscuits, and it was time to clear up, followed by much concern that everyone had been to the toilet as tea and running don’t always make comfortable companions! But then little did we know that Toothill Farmhouse was harbouring a secret upstairs! A Disco Room!! What a great space for the kids. Disco lights were ablaze and there were a few GoodGymers who looked like they could throw some smashing shapes on the dance floor given half a chance. Maybe at the next GoodGym night out? Time for one final group photo by Emma where tools of toil were held aloft, or biscuits if no tools were to hand. We all agreed not to be judgey of those whose biscuit consumption needed two hands to be counted on – names have been omitted to protect the innocent.

This isn’t the first time in history the farmhouse has been revamped….. Jasper Yorke who held the lease in the 1700’s, got into a quarrel with another chap who accused him of neglecting the property. In a letter, Jasper predicted "and when those Repairs are Perform'd which I am doing, the Farm House will be a Sufficient Tennantable House for this Farm for a Hundred Years to Come." And like history repeating itself, in 2019 Jason could be heard predicting that...

those toilet doors won’t need painting for a least another 20 years!

That sums up our work nicely and a fab job was done by all.

And so, after we played our own part in the farmhouse's history and when there was no more fun to be had, because the biscuits had run out (still no judging!), we set out on the run back to the Oasis and arrived shortly after. There was disappointment that there was no beasting, just gentle stretching (we missed you Crazy Legs!) before heading home. Did everyone make it after a sneaky road closure had popped up in the short time we were gone? Don’t forget to check out next week’s run where we’re back helping out the Swindon Night Shelter. There is a potential venue change to the one listed, so sign up here and keep an eye out for updates. We will still meet at the Oasis ready to start at 6.00pm on Tuesday. Hope to see lots of you there, or maybe at parkrun on Saturday?

This task supported
Toothill Farmhouse Junior Youth Club
Youth Club for children and young people aged 5-15 years

Toothill Farmhouse Junior Youth Club offers a range of supervised activities for children aged 5-15 years on Tuesday and Friday evenings. The club is organised by volunteers who need a helping hand to maintain the Farmhouse both indoors and outdoors.

See more

Discuss this report
Jo O'Leary

Wed 30th Jan 2019 at 5:06pm

Great report on a fun and productive evening.

Helen Saville

Wed 30th Jan 2019 at 10:31pm

Brill Tracey so funny and witty. Great write up!! Thanks.

Join us on our next session