Saturday 12th September 2020
Report written by Linda Cairns (she/her)
The sun shone on GGrs and Friends of Parkwood Springs volunteers while they took on 2 areas of Parkwood Springs
Meadow garden activities: Linda joined Friends of Parkwood Springs volunteers to create a new area of wildflower meadow by ....making hay. Who knew? Well I didn't. You can make a hay meadow by spreading wild flower rich hay onto a new area. Our job was to rake up the boring cut grass and pile it up out of the way. And then gather the special hay, which is full of wildflower seeds, and spread it to start to make new areas of wildflower meadow for wildlife and visitors to enjoy.
Forest garden activities included: - Weeding wonder and soil distributor Cat working with FoPS volunteer Alex, taking out the weeds from the newly created bed (previously filled with pond liner and carpet ggrs tackled in a recent community mission) - Bramble breaker James, removing brambles from the garden hedgerows - Gooseberry growth protectors, Celine and Kat weeding around the gooseberry bushes to give them more space to grow
Treemendous Tim popped along and gave the GG crew an educational lesson on mulberry trees while the GG mulberry munchers tasted the lovely ripe berries :)
Sun 13th Sep 2020 at 10:11pm
great report Linda!
Helping this fantastic local pickers group to improve their local community