Petal to the Metal to the Pen (up) Hill Haven!

13 Goodgymers helped their local community in Swindon
Paul Bonner
Mike Oakes
Emily Mc
Daniel Coles
Kirsty Williams
Jason Higgs
Simon Sperring
Wyn Jones
Andrew Pitts
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Tuesday 25th September 2018

Emily Mc
Emily Mc






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Report written by Emily Mc

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Today we ran to the Penhill Haven; a second visit to the community wildlife corridor to lend a helping hand to the lovely Glynis.

We had a new member and welcomed Andrew to GoodGym for his first group run! Andrewโ€™s special skill is the speedy bathing of his 3 boys - in 20 minutes! Impressive dad skillz ๐Ÿ‘Š

Other talents that we must see out on a GoodGym social are Kirsty cutting a grape into 16 pieces in 10 seconds and Simon eating a standard sized apple in 4 bites (has to be standard sized and it is everything except the woody bit).

It was an Up(pen)Hill struggle to get there, literally it is all up hill to get there, so we broke the run up with a couple of stops at the Beat The Street boxes on the way. Stuart kindly took on the role of back marker, which he did need reminding of a couple of times ๐Ÿ˜‚

Glynis gave us a lovely welcome and explained The Haven to the newbies. We then cracked on with our tasks! Scarifying the grass, painting and wildflower planting. Simon,the greenkeeper, went off with what looked like a Medieval instrument of war to attack the grass. Mike found a different instrument to handle this evening in the form of a paint brush rather than his guitar.

Lily and Steve did an amazing job painting up two planters - no Mario Kart skills needed there! Charles got dug into the raised bed painting. I also heard him pipe up on the run back that the Run Lead (me Crazy Legs) is bossy - Iโ€™ve got your number Charles ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‰

Daniel proved that he is always photo ready by posing perfectly for every shot and said his best feature is his bum, no guesses what I snapped next! Paul attempted some carpentry, he says next time he is bringing power tools. We may reach a point where we need a GG support car with all our equipment in ๐Ÿ˜‚

Jasonโ€™s mind control failed again and he had to physically perform the tasks this evening, something Wynspecialskill does so well; a man who can always spot a job that needs doing!

Next week we will be heading to Swindon's Shock Wheelchair Basketball Team, to do some wheelchair maintenance. Do you need wheelchair maintenance skills? Not at all! There will be someone there to give help and advice, so give it a go! Sign up today!

This task supported
Penhill Haven
Community garden in Penhill with residents growing wildflowers for nature, and fruit and vegetables for the local community

Penhill Haven was originally set up for the residents of Penhill to grow wildflowers for nature, and fruit and vegetables for the local community, while also encouraging young people to grow, harvest, cook and preserve their own food. The wildflower meadow, the raised beds for planting and the surrounding green space all need some extra attention and support.

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