Tuesday 20th September 2022
Report written by Rob Haworth
After the past two weeks soggy and wet missions it was exciting to be back GoodGyming in dry and early Autumnal conditions again. This week we were off to our newly newly, adopted bed in Canbury Gardens. After a consultation with Glendale about our previously adopted bed, we were advised to change locations. So although the team had previously been though the original bed and done a marvellous job at weeding it, we needed to start from scratch again on this new area. Smaller in size but perhaps better located and more manageable, it will hopefully be a wise move.
After a short sharp 2.5km run/cycle there, and a visit to the tool shed, we briefly discussed the initial plan of this abandoned area - get rid of the weeds and save any nice-looking plants, especially the pretty ones still flowering. Jassy came armed with a soil testing kit and will hopefully have the results for us in a few weeks. Rachel was identifying the different plants and the 2 trees on the plot (a Magnolia and Cypress something or other...) Everyone else was doing a grand job at digging, pulling, raking and shovelling weeds and old rots, into the bag in order to clear the bed and make it look like a well-maintained area.
After 45 mins the bed was transformed, from overgrown weed filled patch to a clear neat and tidy looking well managed bed. Now all we need is the bug hotel and a name for the plaque... suggestions in the group chat please.
Kingston upon Thames
Let's get this not-for-profit outdoor centre shipshape