The In-SHED-ibles!

15 Goodgymers helped their local community in Swindon
Mark Gilyead
Helen Saville
Emma Sperring
Emily Mc
Teresa Sugden
Richard Curtis
Jason Higgs
Rhoda Lewis
Andrew Pitts
Tracey C
Sam Coxon
Kirsty Hodgson
1 / 25

Tuesday 12th March 2019

Helen Saville
Helen Saville


Emma Sperring
Emma Sperring


Emily Mc
Emily Mc



Andrew Pitts
Andrew Pitts


Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Emily Mc

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Today for Swindon GoodGym 15 inshedible runners ran 2.6k to help at the Men in Sheds project. Men in Sheds is an initiative that has been set up to help isolated and lonely men get back to being social ❤️ We discovered that you did not need to be a man to join Men in Sheds and Women in Sheds is being setup!

During the warm up we welcomed Mark. Mark is a GoodGym tourist and The Trainer from Lambeth no less!

The ice breaker and chatter maker was something that you believed as a child. Teresa believed in cupboard monsters! Jason believed he could be a professional footballer; this dream was smashed when it was discovered his big balls would cause confusion on the pitch 🤣

Jog on! There were no walkers so Helen, who had volunteered as Walk Lead, joined us and back marked 🌟 Thank goodness the rain had stopped, however it was cold and windy and everyone was glad it was only a short run there!

We got a bit lost in BSS House trying to find the unit - GG’ers splitting up in all directions I was concerned we’d lose someone 🤣 Kirsty did an emergency stop at her Physios for directions, it was like herding cats getting everyone back!!

After a fab briefing from Kevin and Dawn we cracked on with our task; sanding furniture for Men in Sheds to paint and sell. Stuart enjoyed his black latex gloves a little too much and did a fine job at modelling the face mask...not on his face....he made a right ‘boob’ out of it 😂

Sander Sam spent the task sanding her nails❤️ Not a fan of sanding Sam defo enjoyed the social side of the task today😆 Andrew dutifully did the sanding in their selected piece, grateful to be out of the house away from puking moaning kids🤢

The Vicar teamed up with Big Balls on a piece, thankfully there was enough room for all four of them along the work bench 👍😆

Carly and Tourist Mark took on a delicate piece with the help of Helen ❤️ don’t rub too hard and don’t scratch the glass!! Kirsty was next to them, face masked up and also making a boob out of herself with the face mask - it is a look that does not stop being funny 😆

Squished out in the corridor but not forgotten we the fab foursome of Rhoda, Teresa, Lily and Tracey! It was tough taking photos - you’d say ‘smile’ to be greeted by a face with half a bra strapped on it - smiles were hidden but you could tell from the fab chats and laughs as great time was had by all ❤️

Want to have some more fun with GG Swindon? How about joining Mike from the Task Force at our Community Mission to Penhill Haven this Saturday? Swindon parkrun is cancelled so why not?! Check it out and sign up here! Or, why not join us again next week at Swindon Food Collective; there is a limit on the register so don't delay - sign up here today!

This task supported
Renew Swindon
To improve mental health, reduce loneliness and bring the community of Swindon closer together through craft!

Renew has been created with the aim of reducing isolation and loneliness in the Swindon Community by encouraging all walks of life to have a good time, share skills and gain a new sense of purpose and belonging

See more

Discuss this report
Tracey C

Wed 13th Mar 2019 at 2:06pm

Super fun this week - so many funny moments, I'm still laughing :)

Helen Saville

Wed 13th Mar 2019 at 10:26pm

Great "say it as it is" Emily!!

Join us on our next session