The Reindeer Are Now Safe to Land………

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bexley
Removed User
Tim Dickson
Neil Macey
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Monday 13th November 2023

Tim Dickson
Tim Dickson


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Report written by Tim Dickson

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Well last nights mission was the start of our festive season as we prepared the area at Danson Youth Centre for the return of the beautiful Reindeer.

Firstly we had to cut back a lot of bushes that were taking up the stall area, this also needed brushing out as the area had accumulated a lot of leaves which were wet and heavy. This didn't dampen our spirits though as we knew the joy to our local community when the the reindeer arrive would just be awesome.

Our next clear up was the grass area, we had to get loads of leaves cleared but with the wind being so strong it was a bit of a losing battle, having said this we clears 4 bags worth, we were pleased with that.

See you at the next mission team 🙌🏻

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