Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Report written by Laurie Chatterjee (she/her)
9 runners ran to Mencap to paint and get fit
On the first day of Lent, we were pleasantly surprised to find that everyone remembered to meet at The Old Factory this evening, for only our second time starting at our new location. It turns out that we do all seem to be responsible adults!
Rich led a quick jazzy warm up and we jogged to Mencap on our usual direct route.
With only one ladder available to reach the remaining high areas, we split the group between fitness and painting. Charlie, Jenny, and Joel found all the tools to get ready for the painting with me, whereas Andy, David, James, and Joe stopped for a chat, meaning that they were volunteered to go for a fitness session with Rich first.
Charlie got on with painting a smaller section reachable without the ladder, and Jenny supported Joel on the ladder to reach the higher areas. The other group returned looking quite sweaty, so we handed them the tools and left them to get on with the painting. Rich's fitness session led both groups on 'running tall' which encourages us to improve our posture and form when running.
Next week we're off to Springfield Park to deliver Foodcycle leaflets, and tomorrow we're off to the Golden Fleece to try and win the quiz from 8pm (tables booked from 7pm).
Thanks and see you all soon!
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Refreshing the skirting boards in the back hall