An 'elfy' Christmas activity
Run or walk 20km and create some amazing festive Strava art
Please note that this training session has been cancelled.
This 20km fun run or walk around Maidenhead follows a route that looks just like an elf on your Strava map when you've finished. Here are all the reasons you should definitely sign up for this...
It will be really sociable and fun. There has even been talk of mulled wine and mince pies at the end.
It will motivate you to start increasing your distance in preparation for the big day - keeping you 'elfy' throughout November and December (see training note below for further advice).
It is a great opportunity to get dressed up in festive attire.
If you do wear Christmas fancy dress, then you'll definitely raise a cheer from passers by. Who doesn't smile when they see an elf or snowman running down the street!?
All the Strava kudos!
Sponsorship. If you wish to use this event to raise money for charity, then you are welcome to set up a Just Giving page, which we will share within the GoodGym community and on social media. Your Strava 'elf portrait' will be great evidence to show your supporters at the end.
Elf and safety training
20km is no mean feat, so if you're not already running or walking longer distances, then it is a good idea to start gradually increasing your mileage now. It will make it easier on the day, help prevent injury, and you will get all the physical and mental 'elf' benefits of running and/or walking not just for one day, but throughout November and December.
As a rough training plan, why not try the following:
parkrun every Saturday
GoodGym group run every Wednesday
A longer run at some other point during the week increasing your distance gradually as follows:
w/c 1st Nov 6km
w/c 8th Nov 7km
w/c 15th Nov 9km
w/c 22nd Nov 11km
w/c 29th Nov 14km
w/c 6th Dec 17km
w/c 13th Dec eat mince pies
We also recommend reaching out to fellow GoodGymers for sociable training runs. If you need further support with your training or have any questions about this activity then please contact Amy on 07939487106 or
More details about the route will be shared to sign ups via email before the big day.
You can also join the WhatsApp group for those running here:
All Saints Church
Boyn Hill Road
Led by Amy L GoodGym
Area Activator for Windsor and Maidenhead. Loves running & Pilates and runs to escape from her hoards of small children.
Seasons greetings everyone! I hope you're all well and starting to wind down for Christmas.
I'm really sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I have decided to cancel the Strava art elf run this Sunday. The route is tricky and after a very busy first half of December I just don't feel confident that I can lead you round it without our elf ending up missing an ear, half of us getting lost, or similar.
Those of you who know me well will know that I very rarely cancel GoodGym activities. I like to soldier on no matter the weather or how little sleep I might have had, so this wasn't an easy decision. I hope you don't think I'm being s-elfish. I had been feeling increasingly anxious about the run and for once decided that I should look after my mental 'elf.
The route is also much further than we would normally go on a GoodGym session and I think its fair to say lots of us haven't done the training (although I know at least a couple who have and I apologise deeply to you!) I do encourage GoodGymers to set themselves challenging targets, but I also have a responsibility as your 'Leader in Running Fitness' to encourage you to look after your physical 'elf - building your distance gradually so as to avoid injury. If you are keen to do 20km+ run then let's go for it! But let's give ourselves the appropriate training and rest to properly enjoy it in the New Year. As a start, you might like to sign up for the Maidenhead Easter 10 (miles) on Good Friday...
If you are still up for joining me for a shorter (10-12km?) run on Sunday morning, then please let me know via the elf WhatsApp group (where I will also post this message - link is in the original elf listing). Maybe with a shorter distance we will even be able to include more people from the wider GoodGym group?
If I can be a bit more organised next year, we may yet be able to do the elf in 2022. Or I'll get creative and see if I can come up with some holly, a reindeer or something similar (and hopefully shorter!)
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for an elfy and Happy New Year!
Amy xxx
Hello Amy. Not on the WhatsApp group but a shame this event was cancelled but fully understand why. If there is a shorter event on Sunday, then can you please let me know.
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