Litter picking for the Canal and River Trust

Improving Birmingham's waterways

Date and time
18:15 - 20:00
Wednesday, 7th of August 2024
Who this task will support
Canal & River Trust


Please note that this group run has been cancelled.

On Wednesday we will be doing a litter pick along the canals in Birmingham. Meeting at 1000 trades before heading to the canal at around 6:30.

We will do a fitness session after for those who are interested!



Wednesday August 7th, 2024 09:32

Planned protest close to the start/finish location.

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New to GoodGym?

This is a GoodGym group run, where we run to help a local community organisation and then run back.

New GoodGymers are welcome to GoodGym group runs - no one gets left behind. You're unlikely to be alone, hundreds of new people sign up every week.

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Date and time
18:15 - 20:00
Wednesday, 7th of August 2024
Who this task will support
Canal & River Trust



You will be able to join a group walking to the task if you'd prefer not to run.

Ideal for beginners

1000 Trades
16 Frederick Street
B1 3HE

There's space to change and leave bags and toilets. We're not planning to do anything purposefully dangerous, but GoodGym takes no responsibility for your safety during group runs, you participate at your own risk. Participants accept full responsibility for items stored at 1000 Trades, and 1000 Trades and GoodGym will not be held liable for any losses or damages.

Led by Liam

GoodGym Birmingham Run Leader

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