
Group run

A Debt-ford of green paid in the Nicholas of time.

15 GoodGymers made their way 4.0km to help their local community in Greenwich.

  • Vickie Burns
  • Alex Murtough
  • Steve Murtough
  • Ben Cooper
  • Nina Mehmi
  • Andy Waterhouse
  • Lee
  • Lexy
  • Carla Guerra
  • Rob Riley
  • Ophelia
  • Claire Oxlade
  • Chris Mattinson
  • David Goodier
  • Greenwich runner
Wednesday, 9th of May 2018
Led by Ben Cooper

It was a lovely sunny evening in SE10, and with our running coach, Sarah, literally on the other side of the world it was chance for all of us to top up on our tans.

Unfortunately not, diligent as she is, Sarah had left Vickie and myself strict instructions , and there was to be absolutely no lazing about. Sorry.

To start, we went round the circle and said our name, and the word we most overused. (For those that attended, how many can you count in this report?) Most interestingly Nina couldn't think of one word; she likes all words and uses them freely ;-)

As a warm-up game we played dishes and domes. On one foot, it's a good game to promote agility, balance and coordination, and on the other foot, it can seem a bit of a futile pursuit as you turn over a cone, and then immediately thereafter someone from the opposing team turns it back over. The game seemed to trigger an existential crisis for some people. Indeed, after the three minutes of the game had elapsed, it transpired it was a dead tie. 11 domes. 11 dishes. So, you really have to question what was the point? *(Note to self: to avoid a tie in future use an odd number of cones.) *

What if...there is a tie? Well, Rob and David faced off in cone sprint decider to win to their team's honour. A dramatic slide from David clinched the golden cone. Nice!!!

We decided to hug the river to get to our new task. We were going rogue as we were just stepping over the borough boundary into Lewisham, so wanted to keep a low profile, ignoring our bright red coloured tees.

Tonight's task took us to St Nicholas Church, Deptford Green. Despite the imposing skull and crossbones entrance we dared to entered. Also, it was quite light so there really was little to be afraid of.

Maureen, the church warden met us. WWS. Watering, weeding and sweeping were the order of the day. We broke up into groups. The weeders, on their hands and knees, worked nimbly and mindfully. Lee, pictured with a hose, is never happier than when in a garden, was heard whistling as he watered the plants. And Ophelia and Sara swept the ghosts away.

Good work everyone. The churchyard was looking on point.

Note: It is a beautiful churchyard, and well worth a visit.

Feeling adventurous still, we went under the foot tunnel to Island Gardens to do our fitness sessions. I boomed out my playlist of two songs: 1) James - Sit Down and 2) The Police - Roxanne. Suffice to say, it was a squat session!!! However, in the instrumental section people didn't seem to quite know what to do with themselves. There was a forced awkwardness, except for Rob who just danced the whole way through it. Magic.

At the end of the day, running wouldn't have its reward if you didn't stop every so often to take in the views. Boom times.

Happy running everyone,


Report written by Ben Cooper

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Adele Prince
Adele Prince
Thursday May 10th, 2018 11:17

Lewisham eh? 🤔

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Ben Cooper
Led by Ben Cooper

Flat white drinker. Freelance astronaut. Born two drinks below par.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Alex Murtough
    • Steve Murtough
  • Document Checker

    Check the documents of GoodGymers applying for a DBS

    • Vickie Burns

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