
Group run

A good clean up to end the Christmas Tree-son

21 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km to help the Brighton & Hove Food Partnership in Brighton.

  • Rosie
  • Roy Hill
  • Brighton runner
  • Sophia Hill
  • Brighton runner
  • Lisa
  • Tara Shanahan
  • Juliet O'Brien
  • Michael Pirrie
  • David Richards
  • Brighton runner
  • Damian
  • Paul
  • Rosemary Challen
  • Sitara Johns
  • Katie Parker-Conway
  • Removed User
  • Brighton runner
  • Angela Mynott
  • Natalie Cooper
  • Paula Knee
Tuesday, 8th of January 2019
Led by Tara Shanahan

And we’re back in the game!

After what seemed like ages since out last run but was in fact only 3 weeks we gathered once more to Get Fit and Do Good Brighton style.

We welcomed a fantastic four new runners having their first Goodgym experience….Paula, Angela, Katharine & Nat, it’s great to have you on board. And a big welcome also to Lisa, a seasoned London Goodgymmer, joining us whilst working down south.

In the news….

January Challenge is go. The aim is to do as many good deeds and run as many kms as we can in January. So please get all your runs on Strava and linked to the Goodgym website so we can smash our target.

You can add kms and deeds by park running with us at Hove Prom on Saturday morning at our monthly meet up and then coming along to Sloane Court to complete a good deed at our extra January weekend group run. This is helping out in the garden at a council run seniors accommodation so a great fit for Goodgym.

Tonight’s task was a regular for us, cleaning a community kitchen which uses all its profits from commercial cookery classes and events to fund work with community groups to help them learn about food. There are some fantastic courses coming up to extend your culinary repertoire, check them out here and at Goodgym we get a discount by using code GOODGYM618 valid until the end of March 2019.

Jo & Evie from the food partnership set us to work on cleaning the windows, paying particular attention to the sticky tape left behind from the Christmas decorations, and wiping down surfaces and cupboards to clear off sticky fingermarks. After 20 minutes or so of hard work, all was clean and we headed off to the seafront for our fitness session.

Meanwhile….over to Helena who led a sub group on a Christmas tree hunt….

Nine of the Brighton Goodgymers took on the seafront, and LOTS of New Year joggers, to run towards Hove and round up the discarded Christmas trees that didn't quite make to collection points..

Splitting into pairs and threes we covered much of the Palmeira area, working our arms, shifting at least 20 HUGE trees. A special mention for Sherman who dragged 2 trees taller than himself across half of Hove! These trees will now get made in to compost insead of going to landfill and have made the neighbourhood much tidier. Smelling distinctly of pine, we all headed back to meet the rest of the Brighton Goodgymers for our fitness session.

Reunited as one big group we took on the fitness challenge of five rounds of mountain climbers, sit ups and squats, decreasing from 25 reps of each down to 5 for the last round. But once somebody had completed all the reps of one exercise everybody could move on to the next one. Special thanks to Damien for smashing out those mountain climbers!

It felt like the first but was indeed the second Tuesday of the month which means monthly social time, so we headed to the Black Lion for some drinks and pub grub, where some of the group were delighted, and the rest of us were disappointed not, to be asked for their ID!! All that getting fit and doing good is obviously keeping some of us looking young!

So hope to see some of you at the extra run this weekend, or next week we’ll be back at the prom sweeping the last of he pebbles to clear the course for parkrun.

Keep on running!

Report written by Tara Shanahan

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Tara Shanahan
Led by Tara Shanahan

Goodgym Area Activator for Brighton. Running since 2009, used to take it seriously, now running for fitness and fun.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Brighton runner
    • Michael Pirrie
    • Damian
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Brighton runner
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Brighton runner
    • Brighton runner

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Tuesday 18:00 - 19:45

Peace Statue

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