
Group run

A Hilly Mission!

11 GoodGymers made their way 6.0km to help the Birmingham City Mission Care Centre in Birmingham.

  • Fiona Ross-shiel
  • Charlotte Roberts
  • Jonny Carter
  • Karin
  • Laura Smith
  • David Halford
  • James
  • George
  • Tom Oliver
  • An Te
  • Jane Parsons
Tuesday, 19th of March 2019
Led by Jonny Carter

We welcomed the two J’s tonight. It was a warm welcome to GG first timers Jane and James.

After last weeks postponed trip to Birmingham Mission after they were flooded, they were all ready to welcome us tonight. We set off on the 2k jaunt down there, with Tom leading the way and Charlotte doing the back marking duties. Most of the group were carrying a Running shoe each as I brought along four pairs of my old Running shoes to donate, just to add a little more good too our ‘do good’ bit! On arrival we were split into two groups, one group were upstairs sorting a big clothes donation and the other group helping downstairs in the kitchen.

Once done and a great job it was indeed by the group, we headed to the infamous hill for some hill intervals. Tonight’s session was eight minutes of running hard up the hill and then jogging back down to recover. James and Tom led the way. Both utilising a great arm action. David maintained a good knee lift as he powered up each hill. Fiona got those arms working hard again. Jane put in some great effort in her first GG session, being pulled along by Charlotte, Karin and Laura as they all put in a great shift on each hill climb. Once the eight minutes were up (and believe me that would feel like a damn long eight minutes!!), the group were more than happy to hear me shout stop! Hearts were certainly pounding through the chest.

There was time for a quick picture under the lamp, then it was time to head back. We even had another steep hill to go up, taking in Bennett’s Hill on the return journey, before half the group took in a little extra loop and the other half ran straight back to 1000 Trades. Timing was pretty decent as we all arrived back at virtually the same time!

Next week we will be out doing good again, with Aidan taking over from me as i'm away, it would be great if you could join him sign up here.

Report written by Jonny Carter

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Jonny Carter
Led by Jonny Carter

GoodGym Area Activator for Birmingham. Love all things running, including road, track and even cross country when it isn't to muddy!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Charlotte Roberts

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Sutton Coldfield Group run/Walk: A litter pick in Sutton Park

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:30
Led by Jonny Carter
Harvester Boldmere

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