
Group run

Play your cards right!

11 GoodGymers made their way 8.0km to help the SIFA Fireside in Birmingham.

  • John Hayes
  • Fiona Ross-shiel
  • Jonny Carter
  • Rob
  • David Halford
  • Aaron
  • John Putt
  • George
  • Nicola Leng
  • Balal Qureshi
  • Tom Oliver
Tuesday, 27th of November 2018
Led by Jonny Carter

11 people ran 8k to hand out information cards to the homeless for SIFA Fireside

We welcomed John to GG Brum tonight, who had travelled all the way from Crewe in Cheshire to join us. John is currently involved in hopefully setting up GoodGym in Crewe, so it was great to see him at the run tonight.

Thankfully the heavy rain that had been about all afternoon had abated, it also seemed somewhat milder than earlier today, which was all very welcome. We set off with our SIFA info cards, heading along the canal to Brindley Place. Then it was a case of running around the city in a circular route to give out the cards to the homeless. Everyone did their bit, all giving out several cards. In total the group gave out cards to at least 35 different people. The cards showed were SIFA is situated and that it is somewhere they can go between 9am-1pm daily to have a shower, get a sleeping bag and further support. Therefore raising awareness of SIFA to the homeless is a really worthwhile task. Once we had done our great deed we headed back to 1000 Trades, where just around the corner we did some interval training.


Tonight was a pyramid session. 30 seconds effort, 45 seconds, 1 minute, then back down to 45 and 30, all with 30 seconds recovery between each one. The idea, to start off fast, stay controlled in the middle Rep, then finish briskly. The repetitions were on a gradient, so some of the reps were uphill and some down. Unfortunately for the group the 1 minute effort was up hill! The group again all put in a great shift. Aaron and Tom powered along. John was fantastic on every rep, Fiona put in her customary big effort and Nicola worked hard in her first session for a few weeks. Rob flew down the downhills showing a great leg turnover. After the last rep everyone was exhausted, which is just how it should be and showed what effort each and every single one of the them had put in. The lucky part to tonight’s fitness session was that once it was complete the group only had 200 metres to get back to base! So that was that for another week.

Next week we will be out doing good again, it would be great if you could join us sign up here.

Report written by Jonny Carter

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Jonny Carter
Led by Jonny Carter

GoodGym Area Activator for Birmingham. Love all things running, including road, track and even cross country when it isn't to muddy!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • George

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Sutton Coldfield Group run/Walk: A litter pick in Sutton Park

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:30
Led by Jonny Carter
Harvester Boldmere

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