
Group run

The Grand Bug-a-pest Hotel

12 GoodGymers made their way 4.2km to help the The Log Cabin in Ealing.

  • Liv Parker-Scott
  • Mollie
  • Jenni H
  • Mike C
  • Removed User
  • Larissa
  • Samuel Horsley
  • Chris
  • Tash
  • Charlotte Codrington
  • Lauriane
  • John Killeen
Tuesday, 24th of April 2018
Led by Liv Parker-Scott

Last night we headed back to a firm favourite charity of ours The Log Cabin! 12 of us met up on a breezy evening to run the 5km round trip to help tidy up the playground and start our ongoing project of building a bug house for their fantastic outdoor space.

We split ourselves into two groups, a clean up team focusing on sweeping, raking the bark and weeding and a bug house team who were tasked with sourcing materials from around the site to start the makings of a wonderful home for wildlife!

Daniel, our contact from the charity had asked us to gather what we could on this visit so that we could build on it every time we come and source extra materials in between. It'll take a few trips over the spring/summer to complete but last night we made a great start on building a fantastic structure!

The fitness session this week was the first of what will be a regular GoodGym Ealing Mile series!

Throughout the lighter months our Tuesday night routes often take us around Lammas Park which is the home of The Ealing Mile and within the park there are 100m markers to mark out the distance. It's a great place to do intervals and the mile is a fantastic opportunity to test your fitness.

Once you've got a time for the route you've got something to aim for each time you complete it so last night the group set their benchmarks and it's something we'll aim to do every month throughout the spring and summer!

Here are the times everyone set last night, massive well done to all and thank you to Mollie who helped me marshall to ensure no getting lost!

Chris 6:17

Micheal 6:38

Tash 6:44

Sam 6:50

Lauriane 6:52

John 7:02

Charlotte 7:57

Suganthinie 9:33

Jenni 9:39

Larissa 9:41

Next week is the first Tuesday of the month so we'll have our social after the run and if the weather is nice there's talk of icecream, see you all then!

Report written by Liv Parker-Scott

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Liv Parker-Scott
Led by Liv Parker-Scott

I love running, walking & cycling for mental & physical wellbeing! Run Leader for GoodGym Ealing ❤️

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Mike C

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Create an IMPACTful Dressing Room 💥🎩👗

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Sevan
Bodyline Studio

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