
Group run

Weed cross that bridge when we came to it!

11 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help their local community in Greenwich.

  • Greenwich runner
  • Sarah Place
  • Brin
  • Greenwich runner
  • Lee
  • Nathan Diamond
  • Bliss
  • Chan HAHA
  • Greenwich runner
  • Claire Oxlade
  • Loveth Okpara
Wednesday, 21st of February 2018
Led by Sarah Place

11 awesome runners ran 5km to help The Bridge Community Centre at the East Greenwich Pleasaunce!

It was back to The Bridge last night, which funnily enough was the first ever task I went to on my first ever GoodGym run two years ago! Crazy how time flies huh...

Anyway, we had two lovely new runners join us, Jenny and Loveth! Welcome ladies, hope you had a good first run with us!

We went around the circle and talked about BREAKFAST! Turns out a lot of you have quite a bit of time on your hands in the mornings with some very extravagant breakfasts!! And I was very pleased to hear that everyone managed to at least have something for breakfast! Top marks gang, well done.

After a little warm up and obligatory group photo, we headed down the main road to the pleasaunce. It's actually such a nice little place, I know we couldn't really see much because it was dark but there is a cute little park tucked away around there so well worth a visit during the day time when it's sunny!

We were greeted by Raeleen who opened the gate for us and we made our way to the centre where we met Ruth and little Henrietta. The two main tasks were tidying up the toy container and weeding the front raised beds so we split the group in half and got stuck in!

Thankfully we had a few torches and head torches between us so light wasn't too much of an issue. Ruth explained to the weeders what needed pulling out meanwhile the other guys had got started with taking everything out of the container. We had about half an hour which was just enough time to empty everything out, give it a good sweep and put everything back nice and neatly.

30 minutes later and the container was done! And the weeders had collected a few bucketfulls of weeds - NICE!

Biscuit time!

We love coming to The Bridge because they always have biscuits and squash for us! After a little nibble on a biscuit or two (or 6), we said our goodbyes and then made our way back. The fitness session was a few hill repeats! Because we don't do enough of them and they are so good for building leg strength and promoting good running form. Besides we are so spoilt for hills around here because of Greenwich Park so don't avoid them!

Since the park was shut, we did a few repeats of Maze Hill instead which is just outside the park. It's quite a long hill which we go up quite often with GoodGym so a good one to practice on. We didn't go all the way up, just to the 3rd speedbump, and everyone turned around when the first person got to the speedbump, so the idea was for everyone to be pushing themselves for the same amount of time. We did 3 repeats with the 3rd and final one being as far as you want to go! Lee made it all the way to the tree at the top, came down and then had to go back up it a fourth time to go home! NICE ONE!!!

One for you to try...

So the next time you're out around the park, why not get a bit of elevation in and go up and down a few hills. You don't have to full on sprint up them because you will just tire yourself out and not be able to complete the session but run up it at a steady pace and then recovery jog down to the bottom. Do this 6-10 times on your run and aim to get one of those types of runs in each week. It can be a long and shallow hill or a short steep hill, doesn't matter! Either way there are plenty of both in Greenwich Park! Let me know how you get on!

We had a nice steady jog back to the uni, a little cool down stretch and we were done!

Nice work last night everyone! We got loads done and the ladies at the Bridge were really happy with what you achieved! See you next time!

Report written by Sarah Place

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