
GoodGym Lambeth

LambethGroup run
YiannyLindy MacfarlaneWillmarie noelle Vieu
FiMichael Welsh

Red Sky at Night - Allotment Delight !!

Tuesday 17th September

Written by Yianny (he / him)

Last night we had a perfect two for one task and Group Run for the Lambeth Group - first Task Force hero Jo was leading a mission to help out at TRAID in Brixton to put out the new sale stock, followed by a run up to the allotments to help out Jean and Annick.

Michael, AA Yianny and Fi met Jo at TRAID and helped out till the task was (v. quickly) finished and were ready to set off however one of our group hadn't seen the message to meet there so we popped back to Papa's on a search and collect mission.

Will was however many steps ahead and had figured out that he should head straight to the task location, a tactic also employed by Paul, Marie-Noelle and Lindy (great to have you back with us Lindy!).

We were accompanied by a stunning deep red sunset as we ran up Brixton Hill and across to the task to meet everyone however that also meant fading light so we didn't have long on arrival. Luckily with a few people arriving from 7pm we got plenty of work done including moving timber and perspex, weeding, putting green and waste in the skip and lifting the paving stones so Annick could weed underneath.

We did uncover a red ant nest / colony under the stones and one particularly angry resident decided to take a couple of bites out of AA's ankle (I can report no lasting damage so don't worry all ;0) but other than that all went smoothly and conversation revolved around the beauty of the night sky when you can actually see it - pro tip leave London!

Big thanks to all and see you next time!

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Finishing what I started

Thursday 12th September

Written by Diane

I returned to Ms E’s garden for a final hour to tackle the remaining weeds, rake up fallen branches & leaves, and prepare for autumn. Hoping that Ms E asks Red Cross/GoodGym for help in the spring as it would be lovely to help plant some spring blooms!

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LambethGroup run
YiannyWillFiMichael Welsh

Dark & Stormy at Thor Lands!!

Tuesday 10th September

Written by Yianny (he / him)

We were treated to a full on winter's evening by the weather yesterday with winds, rain and grey and dark skies - perfect for a bit of GG outdoor work then!

After a few people were delayed at work it meant that Michael, Will and AA Yianny met at Papa's while our resident walkers Marie-Noelle and Paul would meet us at the task.

Simon had a shopping list of tasks that we could undertake and his plans sound amazing - the place is going to be a real hub for locals to come and enjoy - but we settled on a classic task... weeding!

We had to continue the great work done by our Southwark GG friends and clear as much of the areas on either side of the paths of bindweed, nettles and other invasive species. There were also some chunky railway sleepers to shift and then dispose of it all at the end.

By session's end we had been nicely watered, prickled and plenty of soil gathered in our shoes and were in high spirits for it!

We will now make this a regular Group Run to support the GoodGym community on the border between Lambeth and Southwark so look out for sessions coming up in Oct, Nove and Dec.

Thanks to all and more photos will be dropping soon!

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LambethGroup run
Michael Welsh

Minty Fresh and Chard for Days !!

Tuesday 3rd September

Written by Yianny (he / him)

Last night's session was back with our friends Jean and Annick of Windmill Gardens fame.

First up though we were delighted to welcome back John who had been away from all things GG for a short time (just the 5 years then) but was once again back with us - welcome back John!

A nice easy run up Brixton Hill for Michael, AA Yianny and John where we were met by the Windmill Gardens team and our intrepid walkers - Marie-Noelle and Paul who were already hard at work chopping back the growth along the back fence.

The remaining team were put to work on the wheat patch pulling out the rather unsuccessful harvest from this year and getting it ready and turned over to receive the next crop. We were lucky to be surrounded by wafting scents of mint throughout making it a lovely evening of helping out.

Check out the before and after pics - plenty of work got done, plenty of getting fit and doing good as well.

Thanks to all and I look forward to seeing you next time!

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Busy for Ms E

Saturday 31st August

Written by Diane

I went to Ms E’s garden last year so it was lovely to go back and help again. The task was straightforward: tidy everything. So lots of trimming, cutting, weeding and sweeping. I did what I could in the hour & a half. One more session and Ms E will be ready for autumn 🍂

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LambethGroup run
YiannyTilly Baker HineMarcioBecky HeadMichael Welsh

No Sh*t Sherlock (But Plenty of Plastic!)

Tuesday 27th August

Written by Yianny (he / him)

Ok so as happens sometimes, things change. Our task tonight had to change and so we brought forward our Everyday Plastic event to tonight and sadly there was no sh#t to shovel (but there will always be more sh#t guys don't worry).

First up we were delighted to have Marcio join us for his first Group Run - thanks for joining us Marcio!!

The group gathered at Papa's, now with the broken door thankfully repaired, and we were set to head out for a quick 2km loop while AA Yianny headed to pick up black bags for the task. Tilly, Marcio, Michael and Becky grabbed a litter picker each and the group set off.

On our return the task was simple collect as much recyclable plastic as possible and deposit into the green recycling bins - simples. We were supporting the campaign to tackle the effects of the plastic problem that are felt across our society. For more information you can check them out here: https://www.everydayplastic.org/everyday-plastic

By the end of the session we had cleared two large bin bags of plastic waste ready for recycling - job done.

Thanks to all and see you next time!

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