Abbey Gardens

Earth between your fingers goodness

72 GoodGymers have supported Abbey Gardens with 56 tasks.

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Upcoming sessions
Abbey Gardens Autumn preparation

Wednesday 25th September 2024 6:45pm - 8:30pm

Previous sessions
NewhamGroup run
AdamHilarySharonKevin PrinceEugeneRebecca Joskow

Elimination Laps

Wednesday 14th August

Written by Brahma Pochee

The Fitness Session; some love it, some reluctantly oblige and some detest it, but we all get a physiological boost, and a dose of endorphines not found on an easy social jog, you got to earn that buzz baby.

We booted off proceedings with an ice breaker in the form "shite inventions?" inspired by a wifi secure tap I came across, what in the thames-water-tech-hell is that about? Non-waterproof plasters, command strips, hotel chocolates, hotel towels, hotel mini-mugs, wide section bike racks, two-tier bike racks and the plethora of iphone chargers.

We jogged down to the little park, or Three Mills Park, as Rosa corrected me, where we were to explore multiple running paces in the sticky evening air. 8 laps, about ninety second recovery after each - and an objective to only get faster. With a 4 rep practise, then an elimination for the second half to put some skin in the game.

Early reps nice and comfy, got a bit punchy by rep 2/3, before tapping back into a more reserved flow, and then cranking up the heat on the final 3. A great session that lends itself to a fast last lap, exactly where our man Euge muscled past me with tremendous power, where everyone dug in and nailed the finish. And a hats off to the Princes who kept the circuits alive energetically in the rest period.

Next week we head to Cody Dock, as you all know it's my last session, so I look forward to raising a glass to you; for making my job so damn easy, for transforming your neighbourhood and for some quality craic.

Till then,


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NewhamGroup run
Paul CornickRebecca JoskowEugeneSimon HempenstallSharonRyan Prince

Just Let That Sink In

Wednesday 24th July

Written by Brahma Pochee

Good squad out again yesterday, with Rebecca back from over the pond, Ryan making a special gust appearance for a hatrick of Princes and the newly engaged Dimple getting stuck into some celebratory landscaping. Nice.

But first, for those who made it to the Print House, we were presented with an RWQ of much scope; "What's the most anticlimactic or over-billed thing?" New Years Eve (no one's disagreeing with that), Taylor Swift (some might disagree with this), a Paint Ball competitor (niche info win), McDonalds (my answer was anticlimactic in itself), Endinburgh Xmas Fare (plausible) and this weeks winner...Art (all of it, but with a nod to new stuff).

Our numbers increased at Abbey Gardens, where we met the supple trio who had just done some yoga on site. Fully limbered up to work on levelling the ground for the greenhouse, laying the timbers and stones, clearing the weeds, and sorting the dead hedge. It also included a date with an unpredictable and stiff sink that we had to wedge in and out of position with a well-synchronised display of muscle. All in an eve's work for East London's premier do-good and get-fit outfit.

Next week we whip down the Romford to assist Super Sybil with the gardens (probably), she's upset we weren't there last week as we had some crossed wires, so get me out of trouble with a big number showing of GG grunt please. Sign up here

Till next week,


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NewhamGroup run
HilaryAlice WilkinsonEugeneSimon HempenstallChris HopkinsonPaul Cornick

Toil in the Soil

Wednesday 3rd July

Written by Brahma Pochee

Solid squad out yesterday to help the folks at Abbey Gardens. We started by discussing which Head of State, past or present, that you would date. Most marks for Jacinda Ardern, followed by Obama, Trudeau and Merkel. Some might say slim-pickings.

Over at the gardens we were greeted by Alice and Makasi, and a fresh batch of green tea to invigorate us for the digging ahead. We continued what some of you fine folks started a fortnight back, and dug vigorously to empty a big bed, soon to be replaced with a lovely south facing* greenhouse.

Haven't had north of ten people in a while, always love to see it. So nice work all for getting stuck in, putting some miles in and giving back. Enjoyed that drink to boot too.

Next week we hit Cody Dock for our smoothest most picturesque run, sign up here

Till then,


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NewhamGroup run
Brahma PocheeRosaSharonHilaryRebecca JoskowKevin PrinceSimon Hempenstall

The missing and a double return

Wednesday 1st May

Written by Sharon

An unwell Brahma meant a Prince led evening.

A welcome return of Rosa after a very busy work schedule and few days in the sun and Simon for his first GG of the year following and injury.

A gentle run along the greenway to Abbey Garden where Xuan greeted us for a mix of weeding,watering and detangling some bunting.

We split into two groups with Brad and Simon clearing near the fence by the coffee and Hilary and Rebecca clearing between the trees.

Kevin was on hose watering while Rosa and I had the water cans to water the raised beds.

We finished off with the had become so tangled but as Xuan was happy for piece to cut to make coloured piece to tie to the fence.

Hopefully Brahma will be back to led is to Up Garden next week following their second appearance on The One Show

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NewhamGroup run
Brahma PocheeHilarySharonRebecca JoskowKevin PrinceDan Benwell

Cresstal Maze

Wednesday 3rd April

Written by Brahma Pochee

Finally we got some evening light back, as Rebecca noted, whilst realising she'd never seen us under the harsh reality of daylight. We spoke about our most watched film; Flash Gordon, A Bridge Too Far, Lion King, Die Hard (2?), Lord of The Rings and Home Alone but to mention a few.

Somewhat of a smellier Greenway trip than normal, as works were being carried out, we arrived at Abbey Gardens before our leader, Xuan. In the meantime we opened a lock, found a key, opened another lock, and then took out some tools for our task, Crystal Maze style. Hils and Matt launched into some heavy duty compost turning work, Brad and I worked on some easy weeding and conversation, whilst the others cleared a few beds of weeds. A surprise cameo from Rosa, was a nice treat to see her at a session. We also ate some rather strong and punchy cress, which is where the random title comes from, if you had wondered.

Next week we hit up Cody Dock again, but following on from news of a finger being bitten off, by an old GoodGym runner nonetheless, please apply caution when flyering. It was an absolute freak accident, but no harm being extra cautious.

Sign up here

ps. Huge congrats to Matt, he's expecting a little person in August! pps. Good luck Rebecca on your HM, enjoy the challenge.

Till next week


Read more
NewhamGroup run
Paul CornickKevin PrinceSharonAlice WilkinsonRosieBrad Purnell

Run to Seed

Wednesday 28th February

Written by Brahma Pochee

Dank evening with the squad to see out February. Discussions spiralled on the RWQ; which was basically "what's good on the telly?" Hoof trimming seemed to crop up again, along with a jury show/come social experiment, Netflix dramas, Happy Valley (yes Sharon!) and some lad that turned Jeff Bezos into a rowing boat(which is obviously this week's winner).

Down the Greenway we went with sewage gases caressing our nasal passages along route. We spent our power-hour sowing seeds and making another wildflower meadow. Under the cover of night vision wasn't optimal, but we did a rather good job on the meadow front. Filled the whole thing. Abbey Gardens aristocracy did a spiffingly good job too, in the warmth of their palace, sowing various seeds for the months to come and discussing the racket from riff-raff outside digging. On a serious note, can't wait to get in here come April, bring on the evening light.

Hope you guys had a good drink post-graft, see you next week. We've got fences to move at the allotments next to Plaistow Primary, sign up here to continue being a community hero.

Till then,

ps. Title pun for the gardeners!


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