Apple Cart Community Theatre

Restore local community theatre

27 GoodGymers have supported Apple Cart Community Theatre with 3 tasks.

Top supporters
Hilary (she/her)
Folkestone & Hythe runner

Previous sessions
NewhamGroup run
Alice RidgwayKevin PrinceJames Hirst
Paula Cancelas YanezSharon

Snow What?!

Wednesday 28th February 2018

Written by Brahma Pochee

A wondrous white dust painted our urban training arena an unrecognisable bright white. Crunching through the snow with each fresh print, very satisfying stuff.

Rewarding to see so many of you wanting to have a wee jog in the powder eleven this week, I would've taken that pre session! There was a fascinating contrast in attire, Hilary opting for the double ski jacket classic, Graham in his usual beachwear - honestly wouldn't have known they were doing the same sport.

Two groups headed to the applecart theatre, a fast group and a back group, of course the back group reached first. I was actually not leading this time, Tim can take the navigational pot shots on this occaision! The vast building was looking majestic in the snow, we helped clear out a room on the second floor, taking the junk down a couple flights. Boxes, carpets, a stuffed chicken.. all the usual stuff. The guys were rewarded with free hoodies and tshirts for their efforts. Decent kit! We headed back with our haul, into the naturally lit night, no head torches required this week.

Cabana brazilian restaurant was our social spot, with it being Alice's birthday and all, good reason to have a beer and some half priced mish-mash of brazilian food, top evening.

Thanks again for your efforts, see most of you beauties on sunday. Should be great fun - I foresee many a PB!

Till then,


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NewhamGroup run
Ruth AustinSiobhan FreelHilaryKevin PrinceSharon
Brahma Pochee

Fitness was Witnessed

Wednesday 22nd November 2017

Written by Brahma Pochee

As we creep ever closer to New Year, you'd expect the evenings to become colder, potentially wetter and more challenging. Certainly not the case this week, with a very mild westerly air, albeit blowing somewhat ferociously at times. Without a task unfortunately this week, first time in quite a while, this did mean that we could have over an hour on pure fitness. Covering several bases: speed, stamina, core strength, core stability, explosiveness and agility. Was a pleasure to put you all through your paces.

As per the norm. we started with a random question, Tim's " Where's your favourite place in the country?" This evolved into "favourite place in the UK?" Lake District, Edinburgh, Deal (just googled it, nice, don't listen to Tim), Cairngorms, West Ireland Coast, my mum's house, Yorkshire, Newcastle, Kynance cove and some other places I forgot. Good shouts, useful ideas for next domestic getaway.

We then headed over for some 'crank up' intervals, where you run out, recover, then run return leg at higher intensity. Well paced running, hopefully some useful pacing work picked up here. A small jog back to to the playground area, and we used the rubber floor for some core work. Setting alight some of those deeper core muscles. Everyone was still full of beans at this point, so we turned our sights to some explosive vertical and horizontal jumping. Some pretty awesome athleticism on display here, bearing in mind I see people attempting these all the time. Special props to Mel, Sharon and Kev who really had the technique on point.

We finished the session with 6 v 6 Relay race. On nearby ground to where Kev pulled his butt a few months back, we had new teams, a new route and refreshed intent. It was very close battle with both teams leading at various points, but Ruth, Dan, Graham, Mel, Kev and I just edged it. Highlights were Graham vs Tim on leg 5, so much almost palplable emotion. Mel vs Siobhan on leg 4, proper sprinting by both ladies. Dan vs Justine on leg 6, Justine kept up a high pace, even though she had to make about eighteen strides for one of Dan's swooping legs.

Top effort, sizzling intensity, edge of your seat type entertainment. Great training for the Summer GG Olympics!

Have an ace week, we actually have a task next week, a real task, yes. Sign up here

See you beauts then.

Read more
NewhamGroup run
Kerri ClarkElena KorsukovaSharonKevin PrinceBrahma Pochee

On A Roll

Wednesday 18th October 2017

Written by Brahma Pochee

Low clouds yesterday evening caused some misty and atmospheric scenes in Newham,a throwback to the famous smog of East London Luckily we don't have it quite so bad. Another week with healthy numbers, GG newbie Anthony was joined by second timers Elena, Melissa and Justine. We did a dabble of warming up, a haphazard random question as I was ill prepared, Melissa's "What object would you bring with you to a desert island?" A coconut tree, your mum and vodka were my personal favourites of the night.

A couple of miles later and we had reached our destination - Apple Cart Theatre. Painting was on the agenda, in what I can only describe as a highly intimate space. Like a Northern Line carriage at 8am, with your sweaty mates and some white paint. It was a simple and easy task, done with energy, ensuring we left at just past 8pm.

No intervals this week, I'm saving them for next week, as we'll most likely be at Mobile Garden City. sign up Get a coffee in beforehand, and let the running pour out of you, like a high powered shower. Massive Parkrun coming up in 2 weeks time, Hackney Marches - let's see who can get a brand spanking new pb, let's see who can eat more breakfast than Tim.

Have a cracking weekend guys, if you're looking to do a run with some company Brad ( is now in Marathon training and getting his weekend miles up, join him. Roughly 9mins per mile I believe - GoodGym Newham Weekend Run - let's make it an institution.

Catch you guys next week.


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