Black Trail Runners

working to increase the participation, inclusion and representation of Black people in trail running

2 GoodGymers have supported Black Trail Runners with 2 tasks.

Top supporters
Luton runner

Previous sessions
LutonCommunity mission
Lukyamuzi Ibrahim

Good Vibes and Sunshine

Sunday 12th May

Written by Luton runner

The sun was out and DJ kept the good vibes flowing, with a great atmosphere and lots of fun. An early morning start on the downs, to help clear the course of litter, set up the goodie bags, and general jobs. Then marshalling the car park and 5k.

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LutonCommunity mission

The Ups on the Downs

Sunday 14th May 2023

Written by Duncan

A fantastic day on Dunstable Downs marshalling at the Black To The Trails event organised by the Black Trail Runners group. After a bit of a foggy start the sun peeped through at the beginning of the 5km race and shine throughout. A 5km, 1km, then 10km race took around 400 runners over an undulating trail acrosss the downs. Plenty of festivities afterwards with stalls, food and DJ to round off a great event.

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