Blackstock Triangle Gardeners

34 GoodGymers have supported Blackstock Triangle Gardeners with 2 tasks.

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You can run a little or allotment

Monday 13th August 2018

Written by Graham Atkins

Last night 20 GoodGymmers, including three new runners (welcome Jordana, Beatrice, and Nicola!), ran 5k to help out at Quill Street allotments.

Splitting into two groups on the way there, we took the long way round to the allotment via a loop of Highbury Fields. On arrival, and following instruction from excellent allotment expert Gill, we weeded, removed nettles, and pulled out (already-dead!) plants at Jack's plot - an allotment belonging to local resident Jack, who is unfortunately no longer able to look after it as well. We made good progress in the short time we were there - always surprising what you can achieve in 30 minutes with some dedicated elbow-grease! A weed, after all, is just a plant in the wrong place. Our effort clearing the path and tidying the allotment should help keep it in a good state so Jack can harvest what has been planted and is growing there before December, when he relinquishes the plot. Great work team!

Post-task, we took the more scenic route back through Gillespie nature reserve, managing to (just!) catch the sunset from the path, and with time for a fitness session, including some sprint drills and progressive intervals around the Emirates. Lots of great form on display for the final sprint round. Remember the two golden rules: socket-to-pocket running for efficient arm form, and sprinting with your whole body leaning forward (not leaning from the hip!). You can practice this with falling starts.

Finishing up with a gentle run back to the start, we cooled down with some stretches to undo any tension built up by those sprints. There were also some coconut oreo thin biscuits. Personally - I reckon they're basically just regular oreos. Many thanks to local physiological expert Alex for explaining/reminding me which muscles we actually stretched. Normal service resumes with Paul back next week - see you all then!

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IslingtonGroup run
Peter KlebAlix GuerberLiekeRosieLucy VictorPaul Bown

Blackstock and Two Smoking Trowels

Monday 11th June 2018

Written by Paul Bown

20 Goodgymers ran 5km to help Blackstock Triangle Gardeners

Welcome along newbies - Florence, Sophie, Katy and Charlotte - lovely to have you join us.

In the news this week:

  1. There is a pub social and torch making activity next Monday after the group run. Come along for food, drink and Olympic Torch prep!
  2. This month's Long Run will be on Sunday 24th June and there'll be an 11km or 16km options. It's on the East London canals and it'll finish with food & drink!

After a quick warm up we ran the 1.5km to the community group via the railway path, it's a lovely hidden path with lots growing. Lovely to run along upon an evening.Once we arrived at Primsoll Road we were greeted by Nicolette who put us to work weeding and littering the bases of the trees along three streets.

The Blackstock Triangle Gardeners are working towards having their area judfed in the Islington in Bloom competition which promotes having greener communities. Our job this week was to help them.

21 GoodGymers + 35 minutes = impact

In teams of 3-4 we spread across the area, first weeding and then planting over 40 flowers that have come from the Chelsea Flowers Show. Some teams had more luck than others with how good their soil was. As the time went on we got more tools and gloves from residents and were able to get the job done.

Over 35 minutes we got the job done and made a big impact in our community!

Next we were off to Finsbury Park for a fitness session which included being in pairs - with one person sprinting and the other doing either press ups, mountain climbers or planks - before switching! Tough work!

Next week we are helping Octopus Communities in Caledonian Park also prepare for Islington in Bloom sign up here.

PB out

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