Crewe Parkrun

Timekeepers, are you ready!
Crewe Parkrun is like most other worldwide Parkruns and starts at 9am every Saturday. Participants can run, walk, hop, skip or jump their way around the 5K course.

18 GoodGymers have supported Crewe Parkrun with 3 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
CreweCommunity mission
Karen WhiteheadNigel Whitehead
Mark PeelMarjo P

Pride In The Park!

Saturday 14th September

Written by Nicola Marshall

I think its fair to say that we made an impact at Crewe Parkrun today!! Between the 5 of us: Karen, Kat, Marjo, Nigel & Mark we managed to cover 11 different roles!! We all take great pride in helping out at our weekly parkruns, especially in our lovely Queens Park and today was no exception - the sun was shining and it was a wonderful morning to be out and enjoying being with other parkrunners.

Well done everyone ❤

5 People covered 11 different roles:

Run Director Event set up Course check First timers welcome Parkwalker Timekeeper Close down Token sorting Results processor Report writer Photographer

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CreweCommunity mission
Karen WhiteheadNigel WhiteheadNicola Marshall

Party at the parkrun

Saturday 7th September

Written by Nicola Marshall

A lovely morning was spent supporting our lovely Crewe parkrun. Between us all, we took on various roles (some of us even doubled up!!) including:

Run Director Pre-event Setup Volunteer Coordinator Timekeepers Barcode Scanners Token Sorters

We all love being involved with parkrun and its always nice to catch up with each other and have a bit of banter too!

It was lovely to catch up with you all. Thanks for being awesome as always ❤

See you soon!

Lots of love Nicola Xxx

PS - Sorry that I didn't manage to get everyone on the photo :(

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CreweCommunity mission
Removed UserGinnie GarnettSharna Gallagher
PhilNicola Marshall

Mission ‘Not’ Impossible

Saturday 9th November 2019

Written by Nicola Marshall

****The Mission

With 12 very willing volunteers, our Crewe Parkrun 'Takeover' was definitely not 'Mission Impossible'.

It was a very cold and frosty morning but that didn't stop us or any of the Parkrun volunteers from getting up and out and helping to make Crewe Parkrun happen! For some, it was their first time volunteering at Parkrun and for others, it was one of many. Either way, it was brilliant to see everyone coming together and enjoying themselves in spite of frostbitten fingers and toes!

We undertook a range of jobs at Parkrun. Maurice, Zoe & Sophie were Marshals, Pam and Barry were Tail-Walkers, Greg & Sharna were Barcode Scanners, John was pre-park setup and a Pacer. Claire was Token Sorting and a Pacer, Suzanne was Finish Token Support, Phil was Timekeeper and Nicola was Run Director.

Everyone really enjoyed being involved in and it was a great opportunity to chat more about GoodGym and what we get up to each week. I think we may have even enlisted a few new recruits!

Thank you to Crewe Parkrun for having us this week. We hope to be back again in the future (if you'll have us).

Have a great week everyone and see you Wednesday!

Nicola xx

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