Fairfield Friends

18 GoodGymers have supported Fairfield Friends with 12 tasks.

Top supporters
Kingston upon Thames runner
Kingston upon Thames runner

Previous sessions
Kingston upon ThamesCommunity mission
Rachel White
Devananth SomasundaramPetra StockelmayerovaRachael Green

Cleaning up Fairfield Park

Saturday 21st September

Written by Petra Stockelmayerova

Four of us GoodGymmere joined organized litter pick in Fairfield Park. Armed with pickers and rubbish bags, we did a sweep of the park, filling up bags with sweet wrappers, vapes, cans and others. Price for the most interesting item goes to Rachel from Merton, who found a tyre! Well done.

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Kingston upon ThamesCommunity mission

To cleaner & litter free spaces!

Saturday 20th July

Written by Kingston upon Thames runner

Today 2 GoodGymers Sabir & Marie-Noëlle joined the local community team at Great Fairfield Park to help make this park a cleaner and lovelier space. We set off in teams of 2, litter picking tools & rubbish bag in hands, hunting for unwanted, disused and abandoned glass bottles, wooden cutlery, metal bottle tops, paper wrappers, and more. The biggest find was pink polystyren, so tricky to catch on this breezy day! The day was a success. We regrouped at the end of the mission to take a few photos and share a few chocolate treats.

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Kingston upon ThamesCommunity mission
Rachel White

Getting fitter picking up the litter

Saturday 18th May

Written by Rachel White

Lovely hour picking up litter in one of my local parks. Just me signed up so I put on my headphones and listened to a podcast whilst I filled a bag with plastic, bottles, cigarette butts and other detritus. Really enjoyed having some time in the fresh air and felt much better for doing a good deed.

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Kingston upon ThamesCommunity mission
Rachel WhiteKat Quirke

What a lot of bottle!

Saturday 23rd March

Written by Rachel White

A solo mission to Fairfield Park to help rid the area of rubbish. Today I went to the playground over road and found sweet wrappers and fast food cartons. I then walked round the park on the outside pavement collecting wrappers and bottles along the fence. It didn't take long to fill a bag of rubbish which i took back to Suzanne to sort for recycling.

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Kingston upon ThamesCommunity mission
Dave WhiteCharlotte SmithEmma Crowe

Get fitter picking litter

Saturday 13th January

Written by Rachel White

Today's task took us to Fairfield Park where we joined Suzanne and her team of local residents to give the area a thoroughly good litter pick. There was a great sign up due to the January Challenge and we welcomed four new GoodGymers to their first community mission - hello Kathryn, Eleanor, Charlotte and Adam!

It was a great day for a walk, fresh but not too cold if we kept moving, and in our small groups we lapped the park inside and outside the boundary line - meeting for an impromptu chat when we met half way.

We found all sorts of weird and random bits of rubbish - half an umbrella, vapes, bottles stuffed into hedges and countless cigarette butts. Lots of small bits but it filled the rubbish bags we carried way too quickly.

We whiled the hour away chatting and playing with the litter pickers and soon it was time to pack up and go.

A great task - we'll head over for the next one so look out in the calendar for the next session.

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Kingston upon ThamesCommunity mission
Rachel White

What a load of rubbish!

Saturday 11th November 2023

Written by Rachel White

Rachel, Dave and Samia went to Fairfield Park to help with the litter pick. Rachel helped Suzanne on the stall welcoming small groups of people who had arrived to help and handing out litter pickers and hand sanitizer.

Dave and Samia did the brunt of the work and picked up rubbish from the perimeter of the park.

Lots of nasty items were removed and bagged up and the park looks so much better for the tidy up.

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