FoodCycle Byker

Week in, week out, we nourish the hungry and lonely in our communities with delicious meals and great conversation, using food that would otherwise go to waste.
We cook and host a FREE meat-free 3 course meal for anyone in the community who wishes to join us.

8 GoodGymers have supported FoodCycle Byker with 2 tasks.

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Previous sessions
NewcastleCommunity mission
Dan LawsMichael Wisely

No leaflet left Byker-s we delivered ’em all!

Thursday 16th June 2022

Written by Newcastle runner

Dan arrived home from Bath just in time to form a terrific trio with Michael and me for the final episode of the current season of Food Cycle leaflet deliveries. Tonight we were in Byker, spreading the word about a free meal available each week at St Silas’ Church and encouraging new volunteers to help out. We seemed to have some immediate success as I chatted to a man painting his fence who seemed keen to join in. We made short work of the task, delivering all 250 leaflets in 35 minutes (despite the unusually high number of letterboxes declining unsolicited mail!) Despite the short time together, Dan was able to provide Michael with an overview of the delights of Dubrovnik (such that Michael has already entered a run there next Spring!) and we discussed the philosophy that “people come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime”. All in all, a pleasant stroll around the streets of Byker!

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NewcastleCommunity mission
Anji AndrewsLiz BennettLaura JoseRemoved UserMichael WiselyNeil Curry

An aMAZEing finish

Tuesday 8th March 2022

Written by Anji Andrews (she/her)

I can't keep track of everywhere we have been... maybe that's part of the fun

Last night was the fourth and final part of the big leaflet drop we have done to support FoodCycle in Newcastle. One thing was missing last night and that was Louise, who has been an ever present at this task so far. We will let her off as she's having a well-deserved break in the Lakes.

Despite the biggest group on this one, it actually took us the longest- we should have known!

Still, 1000 leaflets are now out in the wild and that's kind of a big deal, no?

On International Women's Day, myself, Laura, Liz and Charlotte were joined by Michael and a slightly late-running Neil who had dashed straight across from work- mega kudos for catching up with us! We got started on one of the estates near Shields Road in Byker and made the mistake of thinking it would be a quick task.. it definitely wasn't.

Venturing across Byker on one of my Tuesday night mystery tours, we managed to lose track of Michael - thank goodness for our WhatsApp group and his patience and we were soon reuinted. The task took us just under an hour and by the end we had very cold hands and hungry stomachs! It's really satisfying knowing that across Newcastle, 1000 leaflets are in letterboxes bringing together communities at their local FoodCycle.

There are a few sessions planned this week: volunteer at Junior parkrun on Sunday, get involved with a big Riverside litter pick on Sunday in Gateshead and get ready for a big night on Monday shifting compost at Newcastle University which starts back where it all began at Hotel Indigo. We'd love to see you on that one!

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