Hackney Marsh Adventure Playground

92 GoodGymers have supported Hackney Marsh Adventure Playground with 36 tasks.

Top supporters
Hilary (she/her)
Folkestone & Hythe runner

Previous sessions
NewhamGroup run
HilaryKevin PrinceBrad PurnellAdamPaigeEugenePaul Cornick

Sands Down

Wednesday 18th September

Written by Hilary (she/her)

GoodGym Newham assembled at the Print House on what might be the last warm session for a while if next week’s weather forecast is anything to go by.

This week’s Random Weekly Question: “What instrument do you play, or would you like to play?” Guitar is a popular choice – Paul and Eugene would like to play, Adam does play and the harmonica at the same time. We’d like to see that… Similarly saxophone – Paige plays and Brad would like to. I think Eugene said he plays the drums, so perhaps we have the formations of a band? I play the cello, and should confess that the question was essentially an opportunity to shamelessly plug my next concert with South East London Orchestra – 12th October in Dulwich, which is a bit of a trek from Stratford, but it is lovely.

The run up to Hackney Marshes Adventure Playground might be one of my favourites – almost entirely traffic free, and along the canalside. We were met by Ange, who had forewarned us of the task in hand – to move 4 tonnes of sand to replenish the sandpit ahead of their playground inspection tomorrow. Oh to be a playground inspector - I wonder how you’d get into that line of work?

As we began, the mythological Sisyphus sprang to mind (not that I could remember that it was Sisyphus who was condemned to roll a ball up a hill for all eternity – had to google that one later), but thanks to the efforts of the team – Adam heroically distributing the sand around the slide on receipt of delivery, whilst Brad, Eugene, Paul, Paige and I filled up the wheelbarrows, heroically taking turns on the one with the flat tyre – we managed to shift the lot. So we’re all heroes and it turns out sand is a bit more dense than mulch, well done everyone!

We wished Ange good luck with the inspection and set off back down the canal, stopping off for a drink and a chat at Here East, ever so convenient for this task.

Next week we’re at Abbey Gardens, so hope to see you all there 😊

And finally as mentioned on the WhatsApp, we’re planning to start listing sessions on a Tuesday evening from October onwards because this will really help with Taskforce availability – but do let us know if you’d like to see sessions on other days, we’ll certainly try to be flexible.

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NewhamGroup run
Paul CornickKevin PrinceRosieAdamChris HopkinsonBrad Purnell

Come Out Swinging

Wednesday 17th July

Written by Brahma Pochee

Wednesday tonic in the shape of a sunny jog and swing in the playground with your mates. But first, we spoke about "your favourite tv game-shows?" Certainly tickled my memory, with some old faves; Wheel of Fortune and Get Your Own Back. One in Fifteen was a new one to me, bit more cerebral, and The Incredible Games, bit niche. This week's winner has got to be Takeshi's Castle. Absolutely rigged carnage.

At the playground it was a classic wood-chip shifting slot, to soften the area surrounding the zip-wire swing. Tens of wheel-barrows full of organic matter were scattered on the area, an unmissable aroma of evergreen scent wafting through the evening air. We did such a good job that we were allowed to have a go on the swing, with a newly padded safety zone below we were invincible. Although, Chris came close to piling into a wooden beam, a risk worth taking.

Next week I'm trying to line up Abbey Gardens, followed by Emanuel Church, plus the folks at Newham Hospital are desperate for a hand too. Will load up and share.

Have a glorious weekend sipping cold-drinks under the sun, our one weekend of summer is incoming, no complaints, eh?!

Till next week,


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NewhamGroup run
Brahma PocheeHilaryKevin PrinceSharon

The Only Way is Forest Gate

Wednesday 29th May

Written by Brahma Pochee

Hils and I were joined by the Princes, after a jog through the park and along the canal.

Ange had tunes pumping and tools ready, we first examined the forest school, we prepared the land for it a month or so back, and it's looking very cosy, cute and educational.

This week it was digging out the circle and weeds under a tyre swing, then wood-chipping over it. Using a handful of tools we reclaimed the border and dug out the weeds. With conversation ranging from moving house, mustaches, first dates, Henry VIII, Arnie and Hendrix...but never far away from Forest Gate. The center of our universe in many ways.

Next week it's over to the allotments at St Marys, in Plaistow. Will try and get that all listed now.

Have a corking weekend and see you next week.


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NewhamGroup run
Brahma PocheeAUGUSTINE OLUNWAHilarySharonKevin PrinceDan BenwellPaul Cornick

Tonnes of Fun

Wednesday 24th April

Written by Brahma Pochee

Good for the soul type session yesterday in Hackney. Hils, a holiday box-fresh Paul and I rolled over to our destination, discussing how age provides extra allowances for being grumpy in our society - and is that right? Might need another delve into this, was good food for thought. The GoodGym hatrick of two Princes and a tonne-reaching Dan met us at the playground.

Ange has a new Forest School coming on site, she tasked us with creating their new education zone. Clearing out the litter to provide a clean area, trimming back the growth to create a bigger 'school area' and laying loads of fresh bark down to provide a healthy and soft soil for play and bug inspection.

I know we've been back at Hackney Adventure Playground three times now, but I do love it there, and I enjoy being back. Quality to get a drink in pots-sesh, and salute Dan on his century of tasks. A physical force of nature - a man you want on the arduous, heavy tasks. He also brings an abundance of cheer and warmth along, it's almost rubbed off on some of us - but a veritable pleasure doing good with him.

Next week, we commence May at Abbey Gardens, and I'm really hoping it's at least t-shirt weather for the run there, summer has got to be close now. Sign up here

Have a good week peeps, get your miles in for Hackney - remember: more is more.

Till next week,


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NewhamGroup run
Brahma PocheeHilaryRosieChris Hopkinson

Be The Hammer Not The Nail

Wednesday 20th March

Written by Brahma Pochee

Four of Newham's finest rolled over to Hackney Adventure Playground yesterday, to help a wondrous resource of frolic and adventure led by the force, that is Angela. We discussed "your best life hacks?" after rattling through a few I found online - including frozen grapes instead of ice cubes in drinks - we got to our own, with a bit of encouragement. Don't iron clothes, use a plier to fix your zip, live near GoodGym and intensely stir your scrambled eggs. We'll be releasing a podcast soon.

The Olympic Park was looking especially charming, we nipped through and down the canal as we touched on running injury and form, does it make a difference? Ange led us to our job, a de-nailing session, which the kids had already begun. Thereby freeing up some good quality wood to use on other marvelous imaginative structures. The work was loud yet satisfying, still managing to sneak a chat in between the pounding of metals.

Nice one for the graft guys, definitely made a difference. Next week we go the other way down the canal, as we head to Cody Dock, sign up here

Till then


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NewhamGroup run
Brahma PocheeKevin PrinceHilaryAlice WilkinsonRosaChris Hopkinson

Log Back In

Wednesday 14th February

Written by Brahma Pochee

Over to Hackney Adventure Playground, been a while since I said that. A huge hearty welcome to Alice for her first session in Newham, slotting seamlessly into the task, hope you enjoyed it. Our old pal Chris is back in Stratford too, after a few years away it was great to have the man back. We broached the topic of guilt once more, this time in a musical sense. Whilst some of you claimed to have no guilt re music, you understood the assignment nonetheless; Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson, S-Club 7, Lil Wayne, Peter Andre and Dolly Parton all providing us some auditory pleasure, but at what social cost?!

Rambling over we jooged through the QEOP and down the canal towards the playground and a well overdue reunion with Ange. She explained how Sport England money is supposed to be paying for a new ground, ten years in the making. Our job was to clear some materials Ange had hoarded for future use (makes you rethink how bad it is keeping that sentimental mug ). Namely these huge wooden poles and fire doors, these things had serious mass, we needed the full GoodGym gun-show yesterday to make it happen. There's no doubt you've made a very useful difference to a marvelous local service, for that I salute you.

Next week we head to Park Village Oasis, sign up here. We're going to finish blitzing a tiny green area to prepare it for some fruit trees.

Till then,


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