Jesmond Library

27 GoodGymers have supported Jesmond Library with 3 tasks.

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NewcastleGroup run
Louise BraithwaiteAimeeMaddy WinnardRemoved UserEmma Davies

Stand and deliver

Monday 7th October 2019

Written by Anji Andrews (she/her)

Hip hip hooray, it was Nick's 50th good deed today!

I was immediately suspicious that he had waited for a longer run distance and poor weather to get best use out of the cloak, but it actually turned out quite warm! We salute you Nick for being one of our super-speedy runners and always smiley! Nick's favourite ever good deed was just a few weeks ago where he experienced the perfect combo of painting and pugs at Recyke Y Bike. We also welcomed two brilliant new GoodGymers to the family tonight: massive huge hello and welcome to Monica and Libbie who experienced their first ever GoodGym runs tonight and did such a great job. A quick catch up and a rock/paper/scissors warm up and we were ready to go.

The path of any GoodGym trainer never runs smooth so we had to do some team work to accommodate a task cancellation which occured while I was away working in France last week. Big cheers to Charlotte for sourcing a task for us to do instead and meeting us at the start point with the leaflets tonight. I was a little worried the jump in distance might put people off so I was delighted with the turn out.

Off to Jesmond we went!

Tonight's task had been done as a Community Mission previously and the task owners were so super grateful that they asked for our help again- perfect! Delivering the autumn newsletter is a great way of helping Jesmond Library to spread the word of their work in the local community, and remind people that they are there. We were able to split into groups of 3s and 5s to cover an area of five streets to deliver all 200 leaflets in one go.. I heard things got a bit competitive between Katy and Sam as they battled to get to more houses in the last few streets! They may be small but they are fierce!

We split up for two run-home options tonight with a steady run option with me or a speedy one with Paul, and we all met up again just before the city centre where spontaneous applause erupted.


The Community Mission this weekend looks a little sparse! If you are able to lend a hand at Elswick Park on Sunday afternoon do pop along to help with some shrub removal. We are back next week with a return visit to the fantastic Newcastle Eagles Community Gardens so come along to run or walk and do good things. There's a great area for our fitness session too!

Hope to see you then,

Anji x

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NewcastleCommunity mission
Removed UserAndrew Robson

Read All About It!

Sunday 5th May 2019

Written by Removed User (she/her)

Andrew and myself managed to complete our second GoodGym Community Mission of the day (Extra kudos to Andrew, as this was his third Community Mission/Good Deed of the Bank Holiday weekend!)

We walked across from Byker to West Jesmond, discussing what we love so much about GoodGym and ideas for future Community Missions/tasks. Essentially a productive walking meeting!

This was the 2nd part of helping Jesmond Library as we delivered more of their Spring Newsletters.

It took approximately 20 minutes for us to finish off delivering to all the streets that we had on our list.

Jesmond Library is a popular Community organisation and relies entirely on volunteers to help it run day to day. We look forward to helping again in the future!

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NewcastleCommunity mission
AimeeAndrew RobsonLiz BennettEmily
Removed User

Start Spreading the News, Start Reading Today!

Sunday 28th April 2019

Written by Removed User (she/her)

We had a great start to our Sunday morning with a lovely Community Mission successfully completed!

We helped Jesmond Library by delivering their Spring Newsletter locally. This Community Mission was set up by myself (Charlotte) and completed with the brilliant teamwork of Louise, Emily, Andrew, Aimee, Cathy and Harry.

Jesmond Library is run entirely by volunteers and were very appreciative of extra help that we could offer.

Everyone met up at Ilford Road Metro Station, paired up and worked like clockwork going up and down the streets that needed delivering to.

300 Newsletters delivered in just 25 MINUTES!! Absolutely amazing!

(More Newsletters will be collected and another Mission set up to complete the delivery to a couple of more streets)

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