Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust

47 GoodGymers have supported Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust with 18 tasks.

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Helping out at Hartrigg Oaks

Wednesday 2nd October 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Previous sessions
YorkCommunity mission
Ed Woollard

A Purrfect Meowting at the Oaks

Thursday 5th September

Written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)

For this month's visit to the Oaks we welcomed newcomer Grace who was doing her first ever GoodGym task ๐Ÿ‘‹. Grace also happened to let on that she was a physio, so I'm sure will be made to feel very welcome at GoodGym!

The Oak's Activity Coordinator, Nicola, was on hand to welcome us and get us set up for the evening's fun. And as we're starting to get back into the swing of things we were now allowed to take residents for a walk outside of the centre, so Ed was chosen to accompany one resident for an evening stroll.

Grace stayed in the conservatory to play games with a group of residents, whilst Amy and Lucy were whisked away to for individual one to one conversations with a couple of the chattier residents.

After walking a lap of the area surrounding the centre, Ed and Mrs Z returned to find Grace leading a very competitive game of bean bag toss. Not to be outdone by the residents, Ed and Grace made sure they had a go as well!

Amy and Lucy returned from their chats just in time to find Ed stroking a fake cat that made real purring noises and even rolled over to have its belly stroked! We then said our goodbyes and headed to the stag for a group photo.

We'll be back next month for more fun and games at the Oaks

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YorkCommunity mission
Ed WoollardLaura Barrett

My Hart will go on

Thursday 20th June

Written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)

After 4 and a half year absence(!) GoodGym were finally back at Hartrigg Oaks for the first time since the start of the pandemic. A fair few things had changed since our last visit with a new Activity coordinator, tighter security and some new residents. But once we the games came out it was just like old times!

Joyce, who had been a regular at our previous sessions, had been singing the praises of GoodGym to Nicola (the new activity coordinator) so it felt like we were back by public demand!

We started off with some introductions and recognised a few faces from before, which was fab. However, for those that used to come regularly, the lady that always used to greet us, Jenny, is unfortunately no longer with us.

We then paired up and took a lovely stroll around the gardens looking for sculptures that the partner of another resident had made. Joyce gave Ed all the latest gossip the the Oaks whilst Amy, Lucy and Laura started on the garden games.

Connect 4 and Ring Toss were a big hit, although the promise of scrabble was scuppered by a lack of letter tiles!

Nicola disappeared for a bit before returning with a giant yellow balloon for the residents to bat around, but it definitely entertained the GGers more!

It was genuinely amazing to be back and we'll be setting a regular monthly session up, so the more the merrier (although you will need a DBS check โœ”๏ธ)

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YorkGroup run
PeteJenna DruryAidan KettleIain Gibson

๐Ÿ„ (Mush)room on the broom ๐Ÿงน

Monday 7th November 2022

Written by Nicky Woodall (she/her)

๐Ÿ˜ 21 fantabulous GoodGymmers met on a cool but dry Monday evening ready to #runbrightatnight for our group run ๐ŸŒ 

๐Ÿ’ช We were thrilled to congratulate Michal and David on their epic Ultra running this weekend. Incredible stuff guys ๐Ÿ†

๐Ÿฅณ As the task was a bit further tonight, Laura led a party pace group who led the way to the task, into the moonlight ๐ŸŒ›

๐ŸŽ† Meanwhile, the rest of us named, numbered and warmed up whilst stating our favourite thing about Bonfire Night. Turns out there are a lot of fire-lovers among us (and food-lovers, but we knew that anyway) ๐Ÿ”ฅ

๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿƒ Soon, it was time for the rest of us to set off, with Pete leading this group to Derwenthorpe, along a pleasant route via a well-lit cycle path. After some confusion (and much wandering whilst Google Maps-staring) as to which part of the housing estate we were meant to be, we made it and were met by a very happy Maria from St Nickโ€™s. She was excited at the prospect that work on the meadow was soon to be completed, having started a good few months ago ๐Ÿ‘

๐ŸŒพ Maria showed us the tools available and we were particularly excited by the prospect of a brand new tarp (as well as a few with holes in, aka what weโ€™re more used to!) After trying to trick as many people as possible into using quite possibly the worldโ€™s heaviest rake, Max got to work, along with the rest of the group. Smaller groups were formed as we divided to conquer the meadow. The rakers raked whilst others (particularly David) enjoyed pitching said rakings onto the tarps to be dragged to their collection points ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŒพ

๐Ÿ„ Oh, and Abi found a large mushroom, which was cool ๐Ÿ˜Ž

๐Ÿ‘Œ Pete and Jenna were so efficient that by the time Iโ€™d reached them with some extra pairs of hands for their patch, theyโ€™d finished! En route to help, Abigail and I spotted more rakings to be gathered and tarped. Cue the embarrassing moments when we subsequently lost said rakings temporarily. They were eventually rediscovered and gathered into the fold with the rest ๐Ÿง

๐Ÿ“ธ The overwhelming efficiency of (most of) the group meant that we finished our task with aplomb, much to the joy of Maria (and the rest of us). It was therefore time for a group photo before we said goodbye to our party pace crew (significantly larger than on the way out). There were still a few brave souls left for our โ€œexplosiveโ€ (tenuously fireworks-themed, obviously) fitness session, which we continued into the run back to base with inter-lamppost-sprints. With four different paced groups on the run back, we were soon reunited back at base for stretching. And then it was on to The Ackhorne for our monthly social, good times everyone, and thank you for a great evening ๐Ÿป

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YorkCommunity mission
Debs Sharpe
PeteLaura BarrettLeanneEd Woollard

Edward Shufflehands

Tuesday 18th February 2020

Written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)

This week at the Oaks we took a break from Bingo and went back to the tried and tested card game - Newmarket. Fortunately Debs remembered the rules so we could get the game started whilst Ed played around with the Oaks' new toy, an electric card shuffler!

As the night progressed some key themes emerged. Big wins at either end of the table, some terrible shuffling by Ed, and Tristan and Beryl coming absolutely nowhere near winning whatsoever.

The games drew to a close with the offer of a glass of Sherry. This time Louise had well and truly learnt her lesson that sherry was not for her!

We'll be back again on 17th March, hopefully for a little wheelchair walk!

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YorkCommunity mission
MeganPaulaSteph CooperLucy TurnerSimon Middleton
Ed Woollard

Simon Says

Tuesday 14th January 2020

Written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)

For this month's games night at the Oaks we were joined by GoodGym newbie Megan, and Hartrigg debutants Louise and Steph, so give them all a big cheer

On bingo calling duty this time was Simon who did an excellent job of reading out the numbers and not succumbing to any bribes by cheating residents and GGers. despite Megan's pleas for 'a number in the 20s'

The first non-GG winner of the night was Beryl who looked slightly surprised by her full house, but Paula assured her she was indeed a winner. she went home with a lovely new glasses case.

Our final game of the night saw 4 people all wanting the same number to be called out. A lesson in not allowing Ed to sort out the bingo cards has well and truly been learnt

Good times had by all

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YorkCommunity mission
Lucy TurnerSimon Middleton
CraigEd Woollard

B.I.N.G.O. And Goodgym is our name-o

Tuesday 3rd December 2019

Written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)

Armed with a list of bingo calls from Ed's phone, Egg stepped up and did an excellent job of reading out the numbers. Whilst the other GoodGymers took their seats next to the residents to help them tick off their cards

After an initial flurry of excitement from Joyce, it was Jenny who romped home with the first complete line and with it the first prize - a stuffed mouse.

As the game progressed it became apparent that there was some cheating going on from Craig and Margaret. Not that Rich would have noticed, as he was far too busy enjoying a sherry and a mince pie.

A final call of 81 (J-lo's Bum) saw Margaret pick up the final win. possibly undeserved, but you can judge for yourselves by taking a look at her 'winning' card in the photos

Good times had by all

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