Marathon Kids

"The charity creating healthier futures for children by inspiring a love of being active"
Previously Kids Run Free

7 GoodGymers have supported Marathon Kids with 7 tasks.

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Warwick & Leamington SpaCommunity mission

Double good deed

Saturday 18th February 2023

Written by Katherine (she/her)

3 Goodgymers helped to support with the smooth running of Warwick racecourse parkrun whilst at the same time helping Raceways to promote their upcoming Leamington Half marathon event - 2 for the price of 1!

Nigel and Katherine were armed with their trusty phones for barcode scanning duties whilst Alex had a completely new volunteer task for Goodgymers, helping to drum up interest for volunteering at future parkrun events.

The run director gave both the Leamington half and Goodgym a shout out during the race briefing with lots of interest from runners at the end.

We complete our tour of local parkruns with leafleting part 3 at Stratford next week!

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Warwick & Leamington SpaCommunity mission

Not leafleting the side down

Saturday 11th February 2023

Written by Katherine (she/her)

3 GoodGymers were up bright and early to support Raceways with promoting their upcoming Leamington Spa half marathon in aid of Marathon Kids.

It was a great turnout for Leamington's 550th parkrun. A particular highlight was the extra encouragement to runners from a beautiful copper horn player as they set off at the start.

After the runners had set off, we moved our posters advertising the event into position and about 20 minutes later the first speedsters started crossing the finish line.

There was a great reception to the Leamington Half event with lots of interest from today's parkrunners.

Looking forward to take 2 of leafleting at Warwick Racecourse parkrun next weekend!

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Warwick & Leamington SpaCommunity mission

Would you beleaflet it - again!

Saturday 22nd October 2022

Written by Katherine (she/her)

Another bright and early start for 2 Goodgymers for take 2 of handing out leaflets for Raceways' upcoming Redditch 10k race in aid of Marathon Kids. This time our venue of choice was Warwick Racecourse Parkrun.

After a shout out from the Race Director during the welcome briefing we were then ready and waiting for runners to start coming over the finish line before being able to offer them a leaflet for the race. Given we were also scanning barcodes it meant every single person who attended Parkrun at least saw, even if they didn't take, the leaflets advertising the race.

Fingers crossed for a good turnout at the first ever Redditch 10k organised by Raceways next weekend.

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Warwick & Leamington SpaCommunity mission

Autumn Leaf(let)s

Saturday 15th October 2022

Written by Katherine (she/her)

2 Goodgymers enjoyed the morning sunshine at Leamington Spa parkrun whilst handing out leaflets promoting the brand new Redditch 10k in aid of Marathon Kids.

All parkrunners were wonderfully smiley as always and showed an interest in the new race.

It was also great to see the newly started Marathon Kids session taking part next door to parkrun at Newbold Comyn. This was only their second week since restarting after Covid and the kids looked like they were having a great time!

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Warwick & Leamington SpaCommunity mission

A Great GoodGym Get Together in Leamington - not half!

Sunday 26th June 2022

Written by Katherine (she/her)

7 Goodgymers (plus an honourary member Master Mansfield) set their alarms early this morning to marshal and run in the Leamington Spa Half Marathon in aid of Raceways and Marathon Kids.

At 8am sharp Lil and Allan were at their marshal meeting points in Lillington and Cubbington respectively ready to be briefed by their sector leaders. Philip, Nigel and Katherine were not far behind with their 8:15am briefing just slightly further along in Cubbington.

At the same time Tom (visiting from Birmingham GoodGym) and Lydia were readying themselves at the start line to take on the 13.1 mile challenge.

With only a slight delay at the start we received confirmation that the runners were off by 8:43am whilst we waited in our marshal spots in anticipation. Allan's road was missing some "road closed" signs so he had to improvise by doing his best bouncer impression. It wasn't long until the first runner came sprinting past and the cheering began in earnest.

With a long drag uphill for the first few miles of the course, there were smiles all round as runners spotted the nice downhill respite along Windmill hill. It was lovely to spot Tom's red GoodGym t-shirt out on the course and we all gave him a hearty cheer!

Once the runners were past our marshaling points it was a dash into the centre of town for most of us to take up position near the finish to cheer the runners over the line. Phil followed the runners on his bike acting as an additional tail cyclist and providing updates to the organisers on how everyone was getting on.

Sorry we didn't manage to spot you Lydia but there was an extra big GG cheer for Tom as he sprinted towards the finish line looking determined - well done Tom!

It was a true West Midlands "Great Get Together" with 3 different GG groups represented - bring on the Commonwealth Games :-)

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Warwick & Leamington SpaCommunity mission

Alcester-gether now!

Sunday 29th May 2022

Written by Katherine (she/her)

1 Goodgymer ran and 2 Goodgymers marshaled at the Alcester 10k race this morning organised by Raceways in aid of Marathon Kids.

It was a bit of a chilly start, but that didn't deter the runners turning out for this first ever Alcester 10k in the summer - usually this race only takes place once a year in the Autumn.

Nigel and Katherine were given marshal spots along the course relatively near to the start, so were in charge of stopping cars from driving along the course, as well as the all important job of cheering the runners on. It also gave us a fantastic vantage point to be able to see our very own Allan jogging along in the throng with his Goodgym top proudly displayed!

As soon as the runners had passed by, it was back to the high street to help with handing out medals. Who knew every single medal is individually wrapped in a small plastic bag - argh! So our first task was taking all of those out of their bags whilst Nigel acted as a runner between our table of medals and the local dignitaries who were handing out the medals to tired runners as they crossed the finish line.

Nigel was then put on car park duty directing cars away from the runners as the last few participants completed the course whilst Katherine switched to offering bananas to the children that had taken part in the kids fun run that took place after the 10k.

It was lovely to see Allan's smiling face having just collected his medal, enjoying a can of well earned Erdinger! Great running Allan :-)

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